The Rooms of Antiquities, the pleasant female voice can be heard from the earbuds of the electronic tour guide, contain a number of peculiar objects, many of which are not, in fact, ancient. Several of them were in fact thought to be ancient until they were discovered to be forgeries, or merely more modern pieces confused for older ones.
"Oh well. Thanks, Windy, but you can stop now."
He gets a lightweight plastic cup, and asks Windy to follow him to the living room, for a bit more space. He sets it down on the floor in the middle of the room.
"Windy, can you try to move the cup without knocking it over?"
And to Cerberus: "If this doesn't work, I'll see what Fly can do. Can I manifest it? Will it shrink to fit in here?"
"It's okay, Windy. I guess we'll just have to practice," he says, trying not to seem too disappointed. It's only his third day, so it's not a huge surprise that there's little precision to his magic.
Okay, ugh. "Can I use Windy to help? I mean, I wouldn't want to do it here if there's a risk of it damaging something, so we might have to find somewhere to practice, but could I use Windy to try to get Fly to... submit?" He says the final word with a bit of distaste.
"Okay," he says. It's a good thing it's a Saturday today.
He fetches a bag, dismisses Windy, shrinks his staff and puts both of the cards into the bag, along with some lunch.
"I know a good-sized field near here, and I don't think it's used that much. We should probably see if that's empty, first, and do stuff there."
The field is large and flat, the kind of place that might make a good soccer field, if there were anyone there to use it. It's approximately rectangular and surrounded on three sides by trees, with a rarely-used road at the other end, and is a pretty good place to be if they don't want to be disturbed by other people.
Theo gets out his key, reactivates it (striking a masterful pose, since there's no-one around to see it), and manifests Windy, requesting that she just wait on standby for now.
Realising that he's actually not alone (stupid, forgetting something like that), he quickly readjusts his stance into one more typically associated with Theo: regular standing, with no trace of the previous "masterful" pose evident.
"Uh, so... um... Should I just summon Fly? Do I just need to hold it in place until it obeys, or what?"
Cerberus seems to have seen nothing amiss with the pose.
"It won't attack or run away if you summon it, for as long as Windy is with you."
"Ok. Well, Windy, if you could subdue it if it tries to escape or attack me, that'd be good anyway. Thanks."
Assuming he would have been told if the process for manifesting this card were different, he does the same as usual: he drops the card in front of him, instructing it with "Fly, appear but do not attack. Wait for further instructions," and then taps the card with his staff.
There it is. It manifests in front of him, spreads its wings, and screeches into the sky, before folding its wings again and looking down at him.
Grabbing the plastic cup from his bag, he places it on the ground, steps back, and says, "Fly, levitate that cup. Do not move it too quickly, and ensure it only moves vertically, not horizontally," trying to project an aura of confidence.
"I was hoping it could make things fly a bit more precisely than 'blow a ridiculous amount of wind in its direction'. If it's just going to be rude to me rather than doing as I say..."
He turns to Windy: "Do you think you could safely fly me into the air and then help me land properly?" he asks her.
"Is there any particular reason you won't make it fly, or are you just being needlessly antagonistic?" he asks the bird.