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There is apparently no mouth until they step inside the room, and then it reforms.


Is there any cover in here??

also AAAAAA. she hasn't really seen one of these things before and man fuck that sure is a creepy unholy mouth thing.

- yeah you know what she's going to scream. She didn't at all mean to do this and is distantly really pissed at herself for it, but it's horrifying and she hates it and it's really really real and she's pretty sure the high-pitched scream is coming from her.



The accumulated stress of All These Fucking Mouths has caught up with him all at once. He backs away from the Mouth and slowly collapses into a kneeling position and cannot stop staring at it all of which feels internally contradictory but he doesn't know what to fucking do.


The mouth spits at Anita, and it hits.

And Anita feels great, actually.

Everything is awesome. She is so competent and so smart and she is going to be able to succeed at anything she tries.


A guard approaches from downstairs.

(She can hear it. Her ears are so sharp.)


Hmm that's not great. She could kill him but it would make a lot of noise if she used her gun. She should probably try to talk her way out of this.


anita he's literally on guard duty please hide



Anita can hide. She's pretty sure she's really good at hiding, so this should work great.


The guard comes up. "I heard a scream?"


"There was an intruder. There was also a Mouth. The Mouth won." He is doing a good job of pretending to be a bit shellshocked by actually being a bit shellshocked.


Oh wow Oswald that didn't sound convincing at all. That sounded the opposite of convincing.


"Uh...... huh," says the guard.

"Where is the intruder?"

(Anita feels like she could do anything.)


"She got in... but there was, right in the middle of the floor, it... and then I heard a scream and..." It's a little bit panic at being caught. He can't help it. But it's a lot panic about that horrible Mouth opening up in front of him, and every Mouth before it.


Why is she even hiding under this bed??? She would clearly be way better at handling this situation than Oswald is. Although she has kind of made things marginally harder for herself by hiding under this bed. That probably doesn't matter because she's so good at lying.

She's gonna come out from under the bed actually! ...the other side of the bed from the guards, though, so it looks like she was hiding behind the bed like a proper terrified lady. "Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I was looking for a second bathroom? And then someone came rushing in and I panicked, you know? - do you know where the bathroom is?"


The guard nods. This seems very plausible to him. She has SUCH a trustworthy face.


Anita is the mOST trustworthy person, really.


"The bathroom's right there." He gestures to a door. "Can I trust you to get out of here once you've used it? You're really not supposed to be up here."


"Oh, of course! It's just there was a line at the other one. I wanna get right back to the party. Thank you so much!"


Oswald is absolutely reeling that she managed to sell that while hiding in what is presumably Montgomery Donovan's bedroom where a terrified guard was trying to cover for her.


She's gonna go to the bathroom and then, if that guard clears out, she should totally be able to wander around Montgomery Donovan's bedroom looking for stuff.


For the first time, they actually get to take a look at the bedroom!

The toilet in the bathroom is stained and streaked orange.


She's gonna look around for anything that looks like SECRETS.


There are scuff marks! Right here near this bookshelf.

The bedroom is absolutely spotless. It looks more like a museum piece than a place where a person lives, or even a hotel room. There is no sign of personality. The only sign someone lives here is something wet near the pillow-- tears? The fireplace contains flat dark ashes.


is there something BEHIND the bookshelf, perchance.


Oh scuffs definitely mark a secret passage. (Poor Montgomery.)


Yes! Anita looks around and finds the mechanism!

The small bust of a gargoyle on the bedside table can be twisted, causing the bookcase to swing open.

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