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He will clarify a few other points like the time the party begins, where they should enter, if they're to report to her or someone else when they arrive and if so who, but he is generally acting entirely on board with this.



Will his friend Miss Jackson come too?


Zoe is similarly on board and interested in the logistical details!


The party begins at seven. They will enter through the front at six. They will report to her when they arrive. They should wear professional clothing and carry a gun. They'll have some guards circling around the party and some upstairs, to keep inquisitive people from poking their noses in places they should not go.


If they might slip the question in in a natural manner, if Miss Donovan won't be attending then who is the host?


Mr. Lukas is the host.


What a mildly interesting but ultimately only logistically relevant piece of information. He does not personally care about that at all.

Anything else or are they back to the old eldritch drug warehouse security grind?


If they don't have any questions it is back to the security grind!



Anita goes to the coffeeshop near Donovan's house, to scope out the outside ahead of time and get more of a sense of where the exit routes are.


Mordred goes to the same coffeeshop, on the basis that going anywhere alone seems like a particularly bad idea after this morning, and looks carefully unassociated with Anita.


Watching the house, Mordred notices that the house is carefully scrubbed on the outside, clean to an unusual degree.

Anita, on the other hand, sees something yellow and honeylike dripping on the walls.




He is not entirely sure what 'carefully scrubbed on the outside' means but he sort of suspects he won't like the answer.


Well, they should probably be prepared for anything inside. The most obvious point of comparison is Trammel's house, and she's heard enough about that to expect the worst.

Possibly they should ask Sir Blackwood whether he knows anything about what catacomb entrances there are around here? Just in case.


If they go track him down, Sir Blackwood says that the doors to the house have been reinforced.

You'd need explosives to break in from the catacombs.

"The warehouse is, um, much easier? I'm not sure why they didn't reinforce it? Maybe it was harder to explain the renovations?"


Hmm. Well that's good to know. If they should ever want to break into the warehouse from underground. Which honestly they very well might want to do at some point.


"Great news!" Oswald says when they're all back together again. He does not look like he has great news. "Peter Lukas is hosting the fundraiser!"


"That's not great. He was probably going to be there anyway, but if he's the host it might be harder for Mordred to avoid him."


"Donovan won't even be there, she's taking her posse of guards somewhere else. Which is how I know about it. Zoe and I are working security."


"Could one of us preferentially stick to areas where Lukas is so we can warn Mordred back if we see him coming? ...Could we, once Mordred is actually at the party, turn a blind eye to him sneaking around, and then he doesn't spend much time at the actual party at all."

"...Both plans seem, uh, likely to backfire."


"It seems like his options depend somewhat on what Inaaya is likely to expect of him."

"If you're going to be stationed as guards... do you think you could get posted at the entrance and let me in? I could poke around some, and wouldn't have to be glued to any of the cultists."


"I'm posted near the party to let Mordred through, Oswald'll be at the back to let you in since the cultists know his face."


"If we know Lukas is hosting maybe I should be at the coffeeshop watching for things going wrong? Instead of in the house with him? It was one thing if it was just a risk but if it's a certainty--"


Decisive nod.

"Right, well. I'll see if I can find anything. That's all we want anyway, right, since Donovan herself isn't going to be there? Are we looking for anything specific?"


"More information on what happened with Portia and Lela. Anything on the local Mouth. Details on the nature of the treatments at the hospital. A crazed manifesto, if any are lying about." Is he joking? He thinks he's joking.

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