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They're taking Mordred into a car.


That's probably not the mouth, at least??

Zoe tries to note down any details about the car as she can memorize. Make, model, color, plate number, anything.


He does not look at either Oswald or Zoe or do anything that indicates he recognizes them in any way.


Has Zoe got this? He can't tell if Zoe's got this. If she doesn't then he might have to and that sounds likely to make everything go wrong.


A man follows the guards shortly afterward. He looks SO cheerful and SO happy and his smile does not quite reach his eyes.


Zoe has no idea if she's got this. She can't take all the guards in the warehouse and it's not like she can follow a car on foot?? But she can try to see which direction it leaves in.

She does her best to burn the man's face into her memory along with the car.

There's two hours left of their shift.


If only they had long-range walkie talkies or something. Some kind of portable way to alert the others. Instead of either blowing their cover or being stuck here and useless.


Don't love that. What were the others doing? Is there a way she could give anyone a phone call or something.


There does not seem to be any obvious phone on the walkway, although there might be one in one of the offices.


They were at the factory and the hospital wait fuck Mordred was with Araari, is Araari okay

Araari doesn't seem to be here at least??


And Mordred is driven away.


Agravaine, I'm so sorry, I was trying to come home like I promised you. Zoe, Oswald, I'm so sorry, please do not blow your cover for me. Gale, I love you, I'm so sorry. Araari, I'm so sorry, I hope you're safe. Inaaya, Louise, I'm so sorry, in another world we could have been friends and I would have been very happy to be your friend. Carrie, Lacie, Anemone, I'm so sorry, I was trying to carry on what you started. Anita, I barely even know you, but I'm so sorry. Tereza, I'm so sorry, I was going to try to get you out. Lev, I'm so sorry, at least you have Oswald and I'm not leaving you alone, I'm so sorry --


They get out of the car.

They get out of the car here.

High, rocky cliffs overlooking the ocean.


Mordred is, all things considered, surprisingly calm about being brought to a cliff by a murderous cultist. There's no room to panic anymore. Just the zip ties around his wrists and the litany of apologies in his head.


Peter Lukas says, very sincerely: "I don’t blame for feeling as you do. If I were you I would undoubtedly feel just as you do."

And a guard pushes Mordred off the cliff.


From that high up hitting the water hurts. And he's tied up and he's never in his life been able to swim and it's so deep and there's probably rocks and--


Mordred has never in his life been able to swim and it turns out that "in the ocean, right next to a cliff, tied up" is not a very good place to start learning but he gasps for air and holds his breath as long as he can, and-- he almost can, for a moment it feels like he almost can

like there's an instinct inside his mind that has always been there and always silent, that tells him how to get out, how to move, where to go, but he's frightened, he has always been scared of water ever since he was a little kid and his uncle-- he doesn't want to think about that--

and he's still tied up, and when you're this close to a cliff the water does everything it can to slam you into the rocks and his skull still screams from the blackjack this morning and he's terrified and-- he's not thinking about when he was a kid he's not he's not but it's so deep and--

and the world goes quiet. All around him, the sea goes quiet and peaceful, and then black, and Mordred knows no more.




Dammit no one is at the hotel to take a phone call. If there is a phone she can use discreetly she will call the hotel and leave a message for... Anita, she supposes. Suggesting that... Mordred is going to need a ride home, and her shift is going to take too long for her to get him herself, but she'll meet them when she's off.

Zoe has NO idea how to convey any more information than that in a phone call without making it very clear what she's doing to anyone who might intercept the call. Hopefully it's better than nothing?? She goes back to her post.

And paces. A lot.


Oswald's only clear path to helping was to not draw any attention whatsoever to how long it took Zoe to get back from the bathroom but he focused very hard on doing that.

They get back to the hotel as quickly as humanly possible.


uggggh annoying. Whatever. She'll get dressed and see what the situation is.


"Mordred's been kidnapped! --Oh thank god Araari--"


"How did you find out, was he at least awake—"


"I called and left a message at the front desk hoping maybe Anita would get it before we got back, but--"


"Kidnapped by who, and do you know where he is."


"He was awake and tied up-- Zoe got the car info and the direction, here--"


Zoe describes the car and Peter Lukas and the direction they drove off in.

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