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"So we are looking for another guard, maybe two. But we need a referral from someone who is already a trusted employee. Or you can be a transfer from a different part of our-- organization. Otherwise I'm not going to be able to help you."


--how stupid would it be to go find the friendlier cultists and apply as michael taylor. no wait they'd want to know why. can he bluff this? he doesn't want to bluff that hard his first time ugh


"Robert here previously worked for Mr. Trammel in LA, and is kindly referring me."


"Hm," she says. "How much do you know about our-- organization?"


"I haven't tried the Nectar firsthand. Everything up to that, however...

Though I'm not the most familiar with the mystical aspects. I have seen the god, and what it can do, but I couldn't recite the theology. I'm a bit more focused on the practicals."


"You haven't tried the Nectar firsthand? What are they doing in LA?"


"It's more controlled there than it is here, I'm afraid. Payment and privileges first, lower ranks less prioritized. I understand Malta has been much more... bountiful, as of late."


"Yes. We are very fortunate. Well," she says, "how much do you know about our God?"


"I know he's called the Fisher from Outside. Or sometimes the Liar. I know that he grants power, and likes order and authority, and that -- the Mouth is a part of him. And I know that the Mouth sings, and eats... sacrifices, and is the source of the Nectar."


"Yes," she says. "What is your previous experience?"


"I handled the finances." This is true but he is saying it in a way that heavily implies he was the guy who broke people's legs for nonpayment rather than a junior accountant.


"Ah," she says. "Will guarding be a difficult change for you?"


"I don't expect so."


"All right," she says. "You and Margaret are in the warehouse. If you do well we can talk about a promotion to guarding the Mouth.

And of course you know what happens if you betray us."


"Of course." This one is entirely true. He knows EXACTLY what happens and it's HORRIBLE and he is MOTIVATED TO AVOID IT.


"Thank you."


They are directed to guarding the warehouse. It mostly involves standing in the room full of boxes with guns trying to stay alert in case someone pulls something. There are nine other guards.


Are any of the other guards doing anything, talking to each other, being interesting in any way?



They are standing very quietly and alertly. One of them does a little dance whenever a jazz song he likes comes on.


Is pacing allowed. Do any of them ever pace. Standing in one place... is hard.


Pacing is allowed!


Oh good!! Zoe paces. Quietly. And alertly.


Nectar production begins in earnest at about 2:30 pm.


Does anyone ever enter or leave this room. Do the bottles contain secret knowledge within. If he stares at the stairway leading down long enough will he divine any hidden wisdom.

Oh good.


People carry bottles from the stairway to the boxes. They pack the boxes. The boxes are loaded into a freighter.

It seems like an extremely normal warehouse except for the part where it is, in fact, not at all a normal warehouse.

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