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Audrey's first day in the Rose Bowers
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"Fuck," swears Hannah. "It really is, huh?" 

Her sex is beginning to drip. The tension is evident all across her body. It's clear she's only not squirming out of superior willpower.


Audrey doesn't turn the vibrator up. Instead, she holds it steadily and smoothly moves it up and down across Hannah's clit and labia, pressing in firm to make sure the vibrations penetrate. 

"You can give up any time you want, you know."


Hannah's hips buck involuntarily. "Ohhhhhh damn it I'm going to come, I'm going to come, fuck -" 


Audrey patiently holds the vibrator in the right place. It's not something that takes much technical skill. 


And Hannah falls apart into a moaning mess. She squirms against the vibe, pulling at her cuffs, then tosses her head back with a "fuck!" and does her best to ride it out. 

She comes quickly.


And it's only after she's come that Audrey flicks up the vibrator to its highest setting. 

"Come," she orders. "Again and again and again until you can't anymore. Then squirm for me some more."


Hannah comes. She squirms hard to get away from the vibrator after the first orgasm, but with her hands chained up and her body flat underneath Audrey's there's not much room for her to escape into. So she comes. Again, and again, and again. She's quiet at first, but after the third she's mewling hard and yelling curse words. 


... She should probably let her down. 

She turns the vibration down slowly, from four to three to two to one to off. Then she leans in and kisses Hannah's cheek.

"You alright?"


It takes a little while for Hannah to get her breath back, but she kisses back enthusiastically. When their lips part, she nods shakily. "Yeah, I'm alright. Some warning would have been nice, or negotiation, but - not the most intense scene I've been in. And it was a fun surprise. Guess what I asked for?"


"More fun surprises?"


"Got it in one. Now can you get me out of these cuffs?"


"I can get you out of those cuffs." 

She does.


Hannah lurches forwards and hugs her.


She goes still for a moment, deer-in-the-headlights -


Then she hesitantly starts to pet Hannah's hair. 

"That was really something," she says. "The way you screamed, at the end - are you sure you're alright?"


"I need an aftercare potion and a cleaning wand and a lot of hugging."


"We can do those. Hugging first."




"Was that okay? Really okay?" She pets Hannah some more.


"Mmmmmm... yo. It was okay, it was within my limits, and I asked for this kind of surprise, but I was also supposed to be resting and this wasn't that. And you didn't negotiate it at all, if you'd said you wanted to do an overstim scene I might have turned you down. Like... you took a foolish risk because it turned you on, relatable."


"Oh." She suddenly feels very small. "I didn't hurt you...?"


"Yes, again. I'm made of sterner stuff than that, if you think this is extreme you should see half the stuff Rose does to me. The nice half." 


"Okay," she says. "More hugging?"


"More hugging." Snug.


They stay that way for a while.

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