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Audrey's first day in the Rose Bowers
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"I'll lead the way back!" 

Audrey gets up and offers her hand to Hannah.


Hannah takes it. "Lead on, fearless leader."


She does! 

She discards her dress almost as soon as she enters her room again. "So. I have some things to get out of the catalogue, and then I have some fun to have. You'll want to disrobe."


"Where's the shy girl I stumbled across earlier today? You seem very sure of yourself."


"I'm getting better at this sex thing! I'm even about to try a little kink. So - one moment, I need to transform the bed -"

She presses a button, and hardpoints appear on the king-size bed. "I want to cuff you to the headboard now that I think about this. That's kind of classic."


Hannah whistles lowly. "Alright, however you want it. I'll just get my dress off." 

She undoes the brooch and lets it fall to the floor.


Audrey gets out two pairs of padded handcuffs. 

"Alright, so. How do I put these on you."


"Just put them around my wrists and cinch them down." She holds her hands out in front of her. "Actually, I can do one half of both of these and then you can put the other sides on the hardpoints, if you want."


"No, I think I've got it." She cinches down the first padded cuff around Hannah's left wrist. "Not too tight?"


"Not too tight. Technically you can pull as hard as you want because all of the bowers' equipment is enchanted to not bind, but that can get you in trouble on your own so A+ question."


"Yeah, I've heard horror stories of cut circulation and the like, is why I asked. I'm glad I don't have to worry about that here."


Hannah offers her right wrist. "If you think that's cool you should try some of the actual magic we've got round here." 


"I am," says Audrey, tugging at her necklace. "But I guess you're going to say that's kid stuff, right?" She clamps the second pair of handcuffs down on the offered wrist.


"Yeah, basically." 

She lies down on the bed, and stretches her arms above her head. "Can you get the hardpoints?"


Audrey sighs and goes to clamp down Hannah's wrists. Click, click. "Here we go. Pull a bit, make sure it's secure?"


Hannah pulls at the cuffs and gets nowhere. "Yeah, seems secure to me. Is this when you get out your vibe?"


"This is, in fact, when I get out my vibe." She dips into the lower drawer of the nightstand for it. "Now, I might not have experience applying this to your kind of anatomy, but I bet I can make you squirm anyway."


"Prove it." Hannah gives a challenging smile.


Audrey flicks on the vibrator on the lowest setting. It makes an ominous hummmmmmmmm.

"Last chance to change your tune.~"


"I said prove it!~"


Audrey presses the vibrator to Hannah's sex, gently running it back and forth, feeling the reflections her Empathy pendant gives her in order to find the right spot.


"Ooh..." says Hannah. "Nice, but I'm not squirming yet."


Audrey focusses the head in on the most sensitive parts, and flicks up the vibration setting to level two of four. "You haven't even begun to see the power of this technology."


"Oh, are we doing mad-science roleplay? I can be the kidnapped daughter of the village headman, and you can be the experimenter doing unethical testing of depraved sexual devices." 

Despite her flippant tone, there's definitely more tension in her body now. Her toes curl in the sheets, and she shifts her arms' weight in the cuffs.


Level three. "I don't need depraved sexual devices. All I need is a steady hand and you held down securely. This vibrator's powerful enough to bring me to orgasm in about three minutes with some warmup; I'm sure it will be a success here too."

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