Raafi in Spren
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There are a few more, mostly in the same vein from people who weren't present when they were first answered (or postponed to his next circle), and eventually they start peeling off.


"Before you go," he announces when he starts to lose the crowd's attention, "there's a bit of magic I want to show you - I'm sure the rumor is going to go around that I can teleport, and I don't want you all sneaking up on me to get me to prove it. So." He makes a little show of judging the distance from the circle to the campus exit - "I bet I can get all the way over there with one spell, what do you think?"


A bunch of girls put nearby boys on their backs to let them see.


He casts, lands neatly in the center of the pathway, looks around to confirm it, and gives a bow with a little flourish.


The people stomp appreciatively!


And he stands aside to let everyone through while he waits for Uamok.


Uamok finds him at the end of the day. "Hi! Did you have a fun day apart from the incident?"


"Mmhmm! And lots of requests for more circles, I guess I'll have to come back. You?"


"Got two mates now! So that's good."


"Congratulations! How does that work, if it's not rude to ask? It seems pretty abrupt compared to how humans do things, from what little I've seen."


"How does what work, sex?"


"Picking mates," he quickly clarifies. "It's pretty common for humans to take a few years figuring out whether we want to pair up with someone.


"Well, we couldn't take that long about it, you live longer than us and have fewer apiece besides. But if I pick up a boy and mate with him in front of enough people that nobody we care about will be like 'oh, I hadn't heard' a week later it's done."


"Huh, all right."


"Of course, normally it's a single boy. He said to me he was done with her, but apparently she was a little dense." She scoffs.


"That kind of thing happens with us, too. Usually a little less dramatically."


"I'd hope so! But now he's mine, everybody heard him," she says smugly.


He chuckles.

"So how far to the bank?"


"About six blocks." People blocks are longer than humanoid blocks but it's still not all that long a walk.


Hm. "Give me directions?"


"You go that way till you see the statue of Hirulumi the Peacemaker and then turn left and the bank is the one with stairs going down underground and a copper arch."


"All right. I'll meet you there." He casts something, and lifts gently off the ground, pausing a moment before zipping off down the street.


"Oooh!" recedes Uamok's voice behind him. She gives chase, breaking into a run.


He's pretty fast in the air, but not actually racing, that's not the point; she can keep up if she really tries, especially once he starts trading a bit of speed for aerobatics.


"That looks fun! Is it scary?" she says when she's caught a post stuck in the ground to help her stop at the bank.

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