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it is the inevitable tendency of glowfic protagonists with repeatable interworld travel to go peal
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"You are, though! Compared to - everything I was brought up to expect from people, anyway. You don't hurt people for fun and you don't lie to them or manipulate them and you want good things for them and try to encourage them to grow even if it makes them disagree with you and you don't lose your temper and you aren't controlling and you don't keep slaves and you worry about cows and you are gentle with children. You're nice. You are the nicest person I know except Vanyel."


"I feel as though most of those things are just - being strategic, doing what will work, not doing it because I value being a nice person... I suppose maybe it is relevant that one of the things I do value is - people flourishing - and we know Asmodeus does not and thus His Cheliax would - not have pushed for that." 


"I think most people look out for their flourishing, and maybe their family's and friends'. Not everyone's. But also - I think you err on the side of being nice when it's unclear what's the most strategic thing to do is - you know, when you first caught me, it really would've been entirely reasonable to do a lot more interrogation first, and instead you were nice -"


"...I suppose I have made the opposite mistake many, many times, and it - turned out to be bad for my strategic goals. And also it is easier to be nice when one is powerful and in control of the situation, which - is something I try to attain anyway. But I suppose I do prefer it, all else being equal." 


"Well, I think you're nice, and I think she'll think he is."


"Fair enough, I suppose." Leareth frowns. "...I am worried he is going to hurt himself, somehow. Maybe it is silly to worry about that though, since - he is a me and therefore I can predict that in the long run he will cope fine." 


"I mean, it could happen at a bad time. How are you - worried he'll hurt himself -"


"...I am not sure. Just - well, I do not think that I care about people or love them in - the usual way that humans do. Because the usual way does not work with everything else that I am. And...I am not sure if he is old enough, yet, to manage the thing I do." 


"What is the thing that you do?"


"- I think I need to see someone as an ally, first. And then eventually it feels safe to have them be an ally on a wider range of things, including when I am sad or would like comfort... I am not sure - I would ask what you think I do differently than most people, except that you are Chelish and I think that the method Chelish people learn is perhaps just as unnatural compared to - how humans would usually work..." 


"That would not be very surprising. The thing I am doing is - trusting you that it'll go better for me if you have more of me, and if I tell you more, all the time... usually that would get you burned, but - Iomedae said it wouldn't, and it keeps not -"


Nod. "Unfortunately, I think neither Ma'ar nor the oth– nor Catalina, are going to take relationship advice from Iomedae." 


"I doubt it. Gods, she must be - spending half her ridiculously enhanced intellect on worrying whether she's hot enough to have gotten away with crying in front of him -"


"Oh no - that seems so wasteful - and he was probably just relieved to see that someone else was also grieving appropriately for the situation, and know they understood..." 


"Because he's nice was spending some energy noticing how she's younger and prettier until Iomedae told me very pointedly that you wouldn't have noticed -" Shrug. "Hopefully they'll figure it out."



Leareth takes a step toward Carissa. Runs a hand softly over her hair. "Honestly, I really think you could have predicted I would not notice or care that she is - what, five, six years younger than you, when I am almost two thousand? And you are the one who knows me - who I have invested in trusting..." 


"Well, the two thousand years were very kind to you." And she kisses him.


He kisses her back. 


Ma'ar spends a few minutes pacing, pointlessly, and then goes looking for Carissa. (His Carissa, that is. This is confusing.) 


She's in her room, trying to read a silly mystery book she picked up in Absalom and failing. 


" - hey."


"Hey. I talked to Leareth. He - said that he wants to wait until all of us have spoken, when Aroden arrives, to decide for sure. But - he thinks probably it is a good idea to explore other worlds for better options." 


"- thank you. That's good." Hug?


Ma'ar hugs her back. 

:I talked to Queen Carissa too: he adds in Mindspeech. :About - you -: 


:Oh?: She is trying to sound neutral and not quite succeeding.


:...I think I am mostly still very confused: He hugs her more tightly. :But - she thought it would be a good idea for me to tell you that - I want to be your ally independently of whether we are sleeping together, and I will still want to even if we - stop... Also - she thought you would assume I do not have any feelings for you? I am honestly not sure what having feelings for someone is, but - Leareth thought that I did for you: 

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