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it is the inevitable tendency of glowfic protagonists with repeatable interworld travel to go peal
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"Ooh, let's watch the Wizard of Oz!" 


Vanyel settles himself in. Smiles at Carissa. "I'm looking forward to it!" 


She has no idea who he is and doesn't ask. Sits down. "Should we wait for Leareth -"


"He has work to do tonight."





Then they can watch The Wizard of Oz. 


The protagonist, Dorothy, runs away from home to save her dog, which is going to be put down because it bit someone; she returns home but is caught in a tornado that drops her, and the house, in Oz! She is welcomed as a hero because the house's crash-landing killed the Wicked Witch of the East, but now the Wicked Witch of the West swears revenge. She heads off to the Emerald City, seeking advice on how to get home again, and meets some friends along the way. 


It is simpler and slower-paced than the James Bond movies.


Vanyel enjoys it! He thinks it's very cute and he laughs at some parts and grimaces at others and is generally very engaged. 


It's so disappointing that the 'Wizard of Oz' isn't even a real wizard! At least it has real witches, although overall there's less ridiculous showy magic than he had hoped for. 


Vanyel thinks the Wizard of Oz not being magical was a clever twist! Also now he's curious about hot air balloons and whether Golarion ever invented them; as far as he knows Velgarth hasn't, unless Leareth did once and it's buried in some obscure book somewhere. 

He thanks Carissa warmly for the movie showing. 


She really didn't do anything except know how the remote worked but sure, any time.


"- Oh, my Companion is pointing out that I was very rude and didn't introduce myself. I'm Vanyel; I'm a Herald from Valdemar, in our Velgarth. I make diamonds for Cheliax." 


" - I didn't know Velgarth magic could do that."


"Really inconveniently, no one can except me yet. Leareth's been working on an artifact but putting enough power through it is a big challenge. The reason it works for me is that I'm, er, ten times as powerful as I have any right to be, because...of reasons." 


"Huh! Mhalir figures there's a way to do it scalably with technology but I don't think anyone has it sorted out yet, maybe you and him could compare notes."


"Ooh, that's a good idea, we should! I was wondering if the Yeerks would be able to use, er, what's it called again..." 




"Yes, that. I wonder if you could turn it into mage-power. Did you and the other Ma'ar ever try that?" 


"I bet you can but I don't think we've tried it."


"I'll talk to Leareth whenever he's not too busy, then." Vanyel stretches. "I'd better head out. It was nice to meet you." 


Was it? "Nice to meet you too."


Vanyel smiles at her again and heads out. 


Ma'ar gamely tries to make conversation with her for a few minutes longer, asking questions about Ma'ar in the other Velgarth and whether he told her anything about Urtho's Tower - what did she think of Urtho, his Carissa was pretty dubious about him and he can't have been making a better showing of himself in her version...? 


"He's an idiot," she says. "I am not very surprised to learn how it would've - he has absolutely no business running a country. I'm sure he's good at pure research."


"My impression is that he would really hate trying to run a country! How did that...happen...?" 


"Tantara invaded. Ma'ar - set off some kind of really clever fear artifact in the palace that drove everyone mad with terror, so they fled, and he took it almost bloodlessly, but the King was out of his wits and stayed that way and somehow the war fell to Urtho."


"Oh. Wow. That's - really clever." Ma'ar scowls. "I bet Urtho thought it was horrible and evil though." 

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