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it is the inevitable tendency of glowfic protagonists with repeatable interworld travel to go peal
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He appreciates it, and has a much easier time falling asleep. 





Carissa wishes that someone would tuck her in to sleep but Leareth's staying away so they don't make worse Carissa  her other self jealous.


She takes a bath. It doesn't entirely rid her of the sense that she is all wound up and about to explode.


Leareth doesn't stay out that late; he gets back to the suite while she's in the bath. :Are you busy - can I come in...?:


:Of course.: 


He perches on the side of the bath and slides his hand over her shoulders. :You look tired. And stressed: 


:Not for any new reasons, just the old one. Ma'ar coaxed other Carissa out for the movie. - maybe I should encourage her to pick a nickname...:


:Or you could? ...I could just call you Your Majesty all the time: 


:It is precisely because I am the Queen of Cheliax that she is the one who has to pick a nickname. She will agree with me about this, you'll see. If someday we meet one who is a space empress then I will have to pick a nickname.:


Of course, you could call me 'your majesty' all the time anyway.:


:...Are you feeling competitive about her? Huh: Leareth shakes his head. :I suppose maybe someday we will meet another me with the same name and need to decide which of us has priority on it. - Possibly the Ma'ar's need nicknames, it is mostly not very ambiguous but it might be more confusing once they are both here: His lips twitch. :Your majesty, do you have any suggestions?: 


:I suggest that we worry about this in the morning.:


:Fair enough: He closes his eyes, rests his head against hers. :Are you done your bath or would you like me to join you: 


:'m done, I think.: She gets out. Takes his hand. :I'm very competitive about her. She's younger. Smarter. Fifth circle. How could I not be.:


:I really do not see why 'younger' would be an upside! You have more life experience, I would certainly not want you to trade that for - well, whatever it is that women think is good about being in one's early twenties: He grips her hand tightly. :I love you. This you. The mother of my child and the queen of my country: 


:I know. It's very silly. Iomedae told me so.

Easier to think about than everything else, though.:


:I know. ...I have that too, you know, sometimes. I was feeling jealous of Mhalir, that he was sorted to Nirvana when he died - that he had a chance to rest... It felt very unfair, even though that is silly: 

Permalink you need... we could use Aroden's rod of security, take a month outside of time -:


:- Maybe after we meet with Ma'ar and the other Aroden. And...only if I am confident enough that nothing else is going to explode in the next week: 


Nod. :Well. You can be tired and I can be jealous and we'll get through it anyway, I expect.:


:Yes. And - it still helps so much, having you here. Jealous or not: He tugs her toward the bedroom. :Will you come to bed with me, your majesty?: 


:I think I will.:


And for just a little while, until morning, they can set aside worrying about the future at all. 


They've had mages taking shifts sitting in the Void-ship, since this is easier and has a lower risk of interception than trying to get comms back and forth with the Yeerk ship when Mhalir no longer has a Golarion wizard with him who can do Sendings, and Ma'ar doesn't know Leareth's interplanar variant of the communication-spell. 

Urtho does, though, and another day later, mid-morning, he communicates with Leareth and informs him that Mhalir is back and wants to drop off Ma'ar before he goes onward to collect human-Aroden. 


So Leareth prepares to Gate back to the ship again. 

He alerts his Carissa first. :I will need to sit down with him for a bit, but we might as well wait on the proper discussion for Aroden to be here, and he can have some time to get situated. I expect he will want to talk to the other Carissa– did you ask her about a nickname yet, by the way...?:


:I suggested it and she said that she could be Catalina, which is our aunt's name and the closest thing we have to a third name, but that isn't very robust if there keep being more of us. I guess we can do that for now, and see.:


:Catalina: He focuses on cementing that into his memory for a moment. :Anyway, could you inform her that Ma'ar is here, while I go pick him up?: 

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