smol bell in urtho's tower
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"- Oh, you know, I am not entirely sure. I think that probably? It would only make sense, if They are among the oldest and longest-standing of the gods." 


"And that would be the only way to get any missionary-ing done among gods, probably, if that even makes sense as a concept."


"Yes, I agree." 


"Does it? Make sense as a concept?"


"...Again, I think this is something that is difficult for any mortal to judge. We do have reason to believe that the gods communicate with one another; one of our ancient texts tells the tale of how the Eternal Flame sought out the Star-Eyed and implored Her to convince Her people to end a conflict. less sure if gods sharing Their values with one another would particularly resemble what we would call missionary work." 


"Does the Eternal Flame do many miracles?"


"Not so many very blatant ones; they are more costly, and also - are less a case of us mortals taking on our fully agency as living creatures and saving each other? There are some that we have recorded in our histories, when the bounds of mere good luck would not have sufficed." 


"How can you tell if good luck is just good luck or if it's divine intervention?"


"Well, see, the thing about good luck as simple chance is that - one cannot count on it, right? Whereas our temple does count on the favour that the Eternal Flame grants to us, or else on having a specific warning that we ought not." 


"When do you count on it?"


"Hmm, I am trying to think of good recent examples. Mostly it is for major endeavours - purchasing land to build a new temple, for example, or starting a new school, or sending a missionary order to a new country. ...Every so often in our history, it is recorded that the priests would start praying for much more minor and routine things, like a good harvest, and once in a while the Eternal Flame will send a vision to remind us that Their power cannot stretch to cover everything, and must be husbanded for when it is most needed." 


"What limits them?"


"Some sort of resources, I suppose? Not - food or water or land, not any of the things that limit us in this plane, but - something in some way analogous..." 


"Like magic reserves or not like that either?"


"Maybe like that! I am no expert on Gifts or mage-craft, but it seems plausible." 


"But we recharge that through water and food - and sleep - or use ley lines or nodes, which get their power from living things - what about gods?"


"Huh! What a question! Perhaps our ancient texts have something to say about it - myself, I do not think I ever thought to be curious about what gods find equivalent to food or rest." 


"Maybe they're also getting their power from living things and are basically nodes-that-are-people or something."


"Hmm." The priest does not seem to have any idea how to react to this concept. "Perhaps. I do not think it will ever be something that is in our scope, as mortals, to know." 


"When the Eternal Flame reminds you guys of things what does that look like?"


"Usually it comes in the form of visions. Which are cryptic, but - not actually hard to decipher, given all of the context that we have. Occasionally in our history, the reminder has come in the form of egregious bad luck on a particular venture that the Eternal Flame wished to remind us was unimportant." 


"Can you give examples?"


"The classic example that they give to all apprentices is the time that a priest decided to pray that prices at the market would be high for the herbs the temple was growing that year. I am sure there is at least one other case but I would have to look it up." 


"Will that also be in the books I'm borrowing?"


"Oh, yes, I expect so!" 

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