smol bell in urtho's tower
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"Okay, sure."


"And I'll go to the Twain's temple." Ma'ar takes a deep breath. "I'm - going to do it even though it still feels scary, because it's really unlikely to be actually dangerous. But...I hope we're right about that." 


"I hope so too."


Sigh. "I guess we'll find out. Was there anything else you think we should make sure we're on the same page with, before we go do that?" 


"What are you planning to ask?"


"How they communicate with the gods, if they do - how often priests get visions from Them, or other communications. How much history they have recorded, whether it goes back far enough to cover how the temple was founded and why people started worshipping that god to begin with. What miracles they have on record. Whether they work with other temples that worship different gods, and how that works. I've got a list that has more but it's back in my room." 


She scribbles these down. "Those are all good. What their gods seem to want in general, maybe."


"Right, I think that's on my list too but - just a second, I'll write it down just in case... I don't really expect a helpful answer on that, though." 


"Even if they make something up it could be interesting to find out what it is they make up."


Nod. "I wanted to try to ask if they know whether gods talk to each other, too - it sounds like sometimes the Kaled'a'in would get instructions from a spirit avatar to go to another temple, which maybe means She was coordinating with that god..." 


"Ooh, yeah - and I'm curious where gods are, if they're anywhere, are they in the spirit world or what -"


"Ooh, that's a good question." Ma'ar scribbles it down. 


"Also you should ask what the deal is with the Twain being two of them - they might also be a good place to ask if gods actually are male and female or if that's just convenient so we don't call them 'it'?"


"Either two or four, there was a stupid war about it, remember?" Ma'ar writes this down as well. 


"Whatever number of them, I want to know how much that matters with gods when they're operating as a unit."


"Mmhmm. I can ask if they communicate separately, or if they ever - disagree, I guess." 


"And if they've always done everything together or if they used to be separate gods."


"Right, and I also wanted to ask if all the gods are the same age or if some of them are new. And if they ever - die, or stop existing somehow." 


"That one might be a dangerous question. You could maybe get at it sideways by asking if there were ever more Twain since they're the ones who like to club up."


"Mmm. And asking if they used to be separate could get at the question of whether one of them is newer." 


"Yeah, that too."


Ma'ar nods and reads through his list again. "Anything else I should add? I guess if either of us thinks of more we can just Mindspeak each other. I won't have time to actually go for a couple of days." 


"Nothing else off the top of my head."


Nod. "Good luck with yours, I guess." 



When it is convenient for Skan they can go on their long flight to the temple to the Eternal Flame.

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