smol bell in urtho's tower
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"Oh! I forgot to say - I asked the librarian, and there's a class on extraplanar projection! It's an advanced one but I might be able to get permission to take it next session anyway. If I'm properly trained on the elemental planes then it feels more like I can judge how dangerous the spirit world actually is." 


"Oh, cool! Maybe I'll take it too - depends what it's competing with, I don't feel very urgent about it."


"Neither do I, I guess, but I don't have that much on my list of classes I was excited to take next." 


"I wanna learn to summon elementals, even though that adds a language course too."


"It seems really useful! You could ask them questions about how things work in the other planes..." 


"Yeah! And probably some of them also want to know about us."


Nod. "Probably! Maybe you can take the summoning class and I'll take the projection class and then we can teach each other? Anyway, this is the most on-topic book I found - there's another one about historical magical accidents that mentions a few mages who got killed doing projection to the Abyssal Plane or the plane of Fire. No one's listed who died going to the spirit world, but it could just be that usually that's done by priests or shamans and they get taught properly - oh, and probably aren't trying to do it for combat, the thing that got these mages killed was deliberately trying to track down hostile natives, in order to try to put bindings on them and use them as weapons." 


"Wow, rude."


"Also seems really stupid!" 


"- is it? What goes wrong apart from it being kidnapping?"


"Well, if you run into one that's more powerful than you were expecting, or if the extraplanar beings catch onto what you're doing and start teaming up against you - some are smart enough to do that - then they can get past even very good mage-shields. The book did say that no one's ever died projecting to the plane of Fire if they had proper training for it and weren't looking for trouble on purpose." 


"I wonder if anybody's being posthumously accused of looking for trouble when they weren't really."


"...Maybe. The case studies in the book seemed convincing, for all of them it wasn't the first time they'd gone looking to bind powerful extraplanar beings. But there could be others that aren't in the book because they weren't well documented or whatever." 


"It's still encouraging."


"And I'm hoping whoever teaches the class on it will know more about it. Anyway. I think this is probably everything we can find on this for now - did you still want to go try talking to other temples, too? I looked up and there's a few that aren't too far away." 


"Sure, which ones?"


Ma'ar digs out some notes. "There's a temple to Vkandis that's kind of far, but I can go on the day I don't have any classes. And then there's a temple of the Twain which is a lot closer, and a small one for - Bestet the Battle-Goddess? And also the Nameless God of Eternal Flame, but that one's way at the edge of the city." 


"I can get Skan to fly me if it's far to walk but not too far to fly with a passenger."


"Oh, right! Maybe you can do the Eternal Flame one then, if it's in his flying range - I think it's six or seven miles?" 


"I think so -" :Hey Skan would it be hard to carry me six or seven miles? - one way, on a round trip?:


:Um, how long would I have to rest before the return trip?: 


:At least like half a candlemark, longer if I like pack a lunch and do a picnic, also I can Gate back if you turn out to be very tired after the one leg:


:I think I can do that, then!: 


:Cool!: "Yeah, he can do it."


"Good! Then I can do Vkandis. Maybe you should go to the battle goddess one - there's part of the order that's for women only, they might not let me talk to them." 

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