smol bell in urtho's tower
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"It was my pleasure. Thank you again for the magic on them." 


"No problem." And having found something to be polite about it is probably now socially acceptable to move to go.


Summerhawk bids them farewell graciously enough, though she still seems a bit uncomfortable. 


Ma'ar walks without saying anything, forcing himself to keep to a pace Azabel can maintain without tripping, until they're a good distance away. 


:That was kind of awkward:


:It was! I'm - probably overreacting, I know, but - I'm really nervous that if they told a spirit avatar about us, that means we - got the Goddess's attention, and...maybe bad things, I don't know...: 


:I don't think curious kids should be that concerning to a god - unless you are planning to do something very concerning in five years that she might have seen or something -:


:I don't think I am! But I have no idea what She would think is concerning!: 


:Yeah, I guess if you're planning anything very unconventional there's some chance a god is secretly allergic, isn't there:


:And if I want to fix Predain without doing anything really horrible, I think it has to be unconventional? If there were a conventional way to do it then someone would've already. ...Maybe, I guess I don't know that for sure: Shrug. 


:There might be conventional ways but I don't actually know what they'd be. I think I'd need to know more about how the government is running:


:I already need to know that before I plan anything - I'll worry about it once I graduate and can move back there. ...I'm still not sure how much it makes sense to be nervous about the gods now, though: 


:I doubt being nervous will help much:


:...Maybe not. I guess 'nervous' isn't really the thing I mean. It's more - I'm not sure how much it makes sense to be cautious about not upsetting gods, versus not weighing that and just focusing on the things I care about: 


:I feel like that might reasonably depend on how feasible it is to make progress on that goal? Which it isn't very, because we know so little about what they're upset by:


:....Which is really terrifying!: 


:It's... potentially terrifying? It might be that they do conventional helpful things because they like being conventionally helpful and there's nothing to worry about at all:


:Do - you not find it scary just by itself, the idea of having to count on Her goodwill and wanting to be helpful...?:


:I'm not counting on that, I don't actually need her help with anything! I just don't see a particular reason to expect her to be hostile:


:...I think for me, I assume that the default is people - or not-people, like gods - being hostile...: 


:That isn't what it looks like in the records of god behavior:


:I guess not: Ma'ar does not appear especially reassured. 


:I mean, you don't have to trust it but it seems like you might spend a lot of energy on worrying you can't turn into planning?:


:...I think there might be a skill of - worrying about things only in productive ways? And not bothering when it doesn't help with planning? I'm trying to work on that right now: 


:That sounds like a good skill:

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