smol bell in urtho's tower
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Skan is adorable. She hugs him. Is there enough time in the day to hit the second temple?


It depends how late they're open and have greeters around, but there's still a candlemark to go before sunset, so probably? 


Hmm, she'll go the next day, start on her books tonight.


One of them is, basically, just a ledger of all the times that the priests prayed to the Eternal Flame (via the special attention-getting method) for good luck, and whether they received any visions, and then the result of the venture. It does look, at a glance, like in the cases where they prayed and didn't receive any warning vision that the prayer couldn't be fulfilled, their ventures went well pretty much every time. Without more context, it's hard to tell how likely this would be just as a result of chance plus organizational competence. 

Another of the books is a record of all the visions received by priests in this region over the last three centuries, and the interpretations, both at the time and in hindsight. The descriptions of visions do sound very cryptic and confusing, and it's noted that the warnings weren't always interpreted right; in one notable case, a priest received a vision that after the fact was probably about floods that spring, but he didn't figure that out until afterward. 

The other two books lent to her are about the temple's actual mission, of helping people (of whatever species) to grow and redeem themselves from past misdeeds. One of them is clearly written for children; the other seems to be a reference book for priests.

Based on several offhand references, it sounds like there are a substantial number of hertasi who participate in the temple's mission and worship the Eternal Flame. 


It does seem like it'd suit them! She takes notes on the books and the next day finds time to walk to the one with the warrior goddess.


It's a small, plain wooden building surrounded by a fenced lawn. There are some children outside - all girls, between the ages of about seven and twelve, in exercise attire and practicing some sort of martial art. Currently they're paired off for sparring while an instructor, a grey-haired but still incredibly fit-looking woman, watches. 


Makes sense. She walks up to the door and pulls.


The inside of the building is all one room, with a half-loft. The decor is very plain. 

A short-haired woman in boiled-leather armour over a homespun tunic and trews is sitting on a crate, next to an open chest of weapons, polishing one of the practice blades. She lifts her head, nods tersely to Azabel. "Hey." 


"Hi! I'm doing a research project about various religions, who should I talk to?"


She glances around at the otherwise-empty room. "Well, me, I suppose, since Agna is teaching lessons." 


"Thank you! So what's the basic doctrinal idea here?"


The question earns her a gruff smile. "Have a seat." The woman pats another crate next to her. "It's not complicated. Our Goddess wants women to be strong, and self-reliant, and capable of defending ourselves." 


"Why does she want that?"


"- Because it leads to more of the other things She wants to see in the world, I suppose? She values, hmm, how best to put it - thriving communities of women working together in the fight for justice?" 


"Why specifically women?"


"Because She's a Goddess, I reckon?" 


"What does that mean? For gods?"


"...Dunno, really." The woman does not seem very curious about the question. 


"They don't have bodies, right?"


"Well, no." She's started cleaning the sword again, though her eyes are still on Azabel. "She has to use ours, if she's got any need of one." 


"Does that happen much?"


"Enough, I guess? Happened to me once. Twenty years back." 


"Wow! What happened?"


"Was taking my little sisters to the market, we were ambushed by some bandits. I'd - worshipped Her before, but casual-like, you know? But I started trying to hold them off and - I prayed, and She took over my body, and..." Her expression is almost blissful for a moment. "And then all of a sudden, they were all unconscious on the ground. Not dead, none of them, which was a real relief taking the matter to the city guard." 


"Wow, I bet! You don't remember the part where she was in control?"

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