smol bell in urtho's tower
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"I do a little, but - it's all like a dream, it felt like I was seeing it from a long way off while - someone very strong held me, and kept me safe..." 


"What do you remember?"


"Let me think a minute." The woman frowns intently. "Glimpses of my sister's faces. I remember Her moving my body - I felt so strong, when She was working through me." A sigh. "Wish I remembered more of the actual fighting moves. I'd barely had any training, back then. Twenty years and I'm still not as good as I was in that one fight." 


"How old is this religion?"


"People worshipping Bestet, or this particular order?" 


"The first one."


"Oh." The woman waves her hand vaguely. "Thousands of years, probably. They dug up old statues and relics in the south, that look just like Her as she appears in visions now." 


"Has she been interested in the same things the whole time?"


"More or less, I think? It'd be different in a little nomadic tribe, I figure, what exactly the worship looks like. And there are orders with men who worship Her, out there - She isn't absolutely against that, it just works better for us here to be women only." 


"How come?"


"Well, there's a lot of cultural baggage, right? In terms of how little girls and little boys are expected to be, and what they're expected to want to grow up to be... And we find it's easier for the little girls here to - see themselves as tough and strong and self-sufficient, if they've got more of a break from those sorts of pressures." 


"Do you know much about the orders where men worship her too?"


Shrug. "No, not really." 


"Is Bestet interested in things besides the very specific women fighting for justice thing?"


"- I mean, I reckon She wants there to keep being people around? And there are legends of Her taking a side in wars, sometimes, even when it's not much related to which country lets women into its army." 


"Huh, what does she seem to pick sides based on?"


"Huh. Let me think a moment." Another intent frown. "Reckon She doesn't like monarchs who abuse their power. Maybe because it's bad for women, maybe just because it's bad for freedom for anyone? Oh, and once She intervened in a revolution against a corrupt King, that led to the country becoming a democracy, so maybe She likes that idea." 


"She doesn't send a lot of visions to clarify that kinda thing?"


"Not often that I've heard, no. But we don't need to know the big picture, to do Her work." 


"I guess not. The other gods I've investigated for this have had broader scopes but maybe there are lots of narrower ones."


"Investigated!" The woman chuckles, shaking her head. "You make it sounds like you're a city guard detective on a murder case, or something." 


"Sorry, I don't mean anything like that, I'm just running around to different churches and taking notes on what their gods are like out of curiosity."


The woman shakes her head, slapping her knee. "I didn't say it was any bad thing! Reckon our Goddess would approve, a strong curious young woman like you getting out there and asking your questions." 


"What would you've done if I was a boy?"


"...Well, that would hardly make it a bad thing to ask questions, would it - the Goddess doesn't want men to be weaker, that would be silly, She just wants women to have equal chances at strength and power and glory and all those sorts of things. - That being said, I might've felt less personal onus to answer your questions." 

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