smol bell in urtho's tower
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"I know what She agreed to." 


"There's a specific agreement? What is it?"


"Well, it is of course not a signed contract as humans do it, that is not how the gods work! But our histories speak of the first shaman to speak with Her - what is really the beginning of the Kaled'a'in as a people - and, it is as I said before. She will give our prayers priority, and protect our people against threats we could not see coming, and warn our shamans of danger, and in other ways promote our wellbeing. And in exchange, we will serve Her." 


"What kinds of service does She want?"


"For those of our people drawn to the calling of a priest, to become shamans to Her - not that we exactly need conscript people, there are always enough youngsters interested, and -" a crooked smile, "- and some of us older folk as well. To pray to Her first and foremost. To listen to Her advice and consult Her avatars before our people make major decisions such as moving a clan to new lands. And - apart from that, She will ask for what She requires of us." 


"What kinds of things has she asked for before?"


"You must keep in mind that I know only of the most famous and well-remembered historical cases, but - hmm. For us to move at particular times, to particular places - occasionally, for certain decisions to be made rather than others, in politics or war, or for certain policies..." 


"Can you give me examples of decision and policy demands she's made?"


Summerhawk looks momentarily embarrassed. "I - will need to go consult the written histories, I think. I do not want to tell you wrongly!" 


"Okay, I'm not in a hurry."


"Do you want me to go look it up now?" 


"If you could!"


"Of course! Just - here, have a seat, I will be back in a few minutes..." She gestures vaguely at the rug and then rises and heads out. 


Ma'ar shifts a bit closer to Aza. 

:What do you think so far?: he asks her, in private Mindspeech. 


:I don't... like it? I mean, I don't have to, She's theirs not mine, but there's something creepy about it honestly. Maybe if she comes back with a list of very smart policy decisions I will relax a bit but as it stands it does look worryingly like they're pets:


:...Makes me wonder a little if pets have conversations like this with each other. Or farm animals. And if some of them - like it - and others don't...: 


:Well, you could ask an Animal Mindspeaker:


:That's a good idea! Do you know any?: 


:Not personally but they exist! All kinds of Gifted people show up at the Tower, there must be some around:


:I'll ask the Healers if they know any or know who I should ask:

A pause. 

:I...sort of get it, maybe? Why...someone might want to belong to a god, even if it meant they were like a pet. If you were scared, and - there was a way you thought you could be safe...: 

An uncomfortable shrug. :I'm - not sure it makes less sense to me than - how people trust their parents to look after them: 


:I guess it's sort of like that, but - kids grow up and good parents let the relationship change:


:...I guess that does make it different, that - in the usual order of things, children grow up into - the same sort of thing as their parents. And farm animals and humans who worship gods...don't grow up to be like those...: Shrug. :I don't know. For all we know maybe the gods would be delighted if humans grew up and could work with them as allies instead of little ones: 


:I notice that I will be surprised if Sunhawk comes back with a list of policies the Star-Eyed pushed of which number seven is something aimed at turning humans into gods:


:Me too, I think: 


And then Summerhawk is back, carrying an armful of books. 

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