smol bell in urtho's tower
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"We cannot speak with the avatars arbitrarily; we can call to them, and see if they answer. We can go to the spirit world anytime, though it is somewhat tiring. It is very beautiful!" 

She spends a bit describing it. It's dark and sort of starry-looking, except for sparkly mist that lore says consists of dead spirits, though humans don't know how to speak to them directly. There are also - more dangerous entities, there, which can harm a mind projected to the space. Because of this, the Goddess created the Moonpaths for their people; these are roads made of light, and mortal shamans are safe as long as they keep to those. 


"Can you show us?"


"- Hmm. I think I will have to ask the senior shaman if he thinks that is a good idea. I am not sure we have ever done something like that before. Or whether I am trained enough to safely guide you." 


"Okay. I'd really like to see it!"


"I think this will need some discussion, but - come back tomorrow and we will see?" 


"Okay, thank you!"


"Did you still want to borrow some of our books? You must make sure to take good care of them, but - you seem like a diligent student, I expect you can do that." 


"Yes, thank you. I know some book preservation magic, do you want me to do that - I trip sometimes, I might drop them -"


"Ooh, do you? We have a mage in every few years to do that, but it's been a bit." 


"Also I can carry them," Ma'ar offers. "I don't trip as much." 


"I can do it anyway, though." She magics the books.


Summerhawk thanks her warmly for it, gives them a bag to carry the books in, and ushers them out. 


"You didn't talk much," Aza remarks to Ma'ar as they leave.


He glances back, lowers his voice. "I think I'm - more scared of saying the wrong thing and getting in trouble. Than you are." 


"...Summerhawk can't give us detention."


"But she could - tell Lionwind I'm bad and dangerous, or something. Detention isn't the only kind of trouble to be in." 


"...what would Lionwind do to you, you don't take classes with him."


"He's a grownup and he's respected, and - if he told other grownups not to trust me, probably they'd listen to him?" 


"What do you want grownups to trust you for if you don't even want to say anything to them?"


Ma'ar stops where he is on the path, gives her a frustrated look. "- Just because you grew up in a world where grownups can't - decide to hurt you or make your life worse just because they don't like you, doesn't mean that's the world everyone lives in." 


"- they don't have to trust you to not hate you enough to hurt you."


Ma'ar grimaces. "I, just - I feel like there's a real thing here and I just don't know the right words to explain it to you."   


"Well. Let me know if you figure it out, I guess. Do you think Summerhawk's going to hurt me?"


"- Probably not? She didn't seem offended. But - I think you know how to - come across like a curious clever student, and not - scare people with it? ...And maybe it helps that you're a girl, I think it takes more for grownups to find girls creepy or wrong-seeming." 


"I don't feel like I'm usually doing something very specific besides actually being a curious clever student. I sort of was that time with Urtho, I guess."

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