smol bell in urtho's tower
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"Wow, that's a bunch - Ma'ar checked the Tower library and it was sparser on this topic."


"Oh, would you two like to borrow some of these? You are so curious!" 


"Maybe! What's in them?"


"Our histories as a people! I am afraid that for the most part they are very dry and repetitive, but - all the questions that you were asking, the most true answers known by mortals are to be found here." 

And she sets the books down on the low table and starts riffling through them. 


Aza comes around and peers over her shoulder.


Summerhawk seems to know the texts well and is mostly flipping through too fast for her to catch anything. 

"...Ah, here we are - you wanted political advice or policy decisions, right? This is one historical case - a shaman of our people received a vision from Her, of - various cryptic but clearly bad events happening in conjunction with a particular candidate for the clan leadership. The clan chose a different candidate and the next decades went well instead." 


"What were the cryptic bad events?"


"I did say 'cryptic', but - hmm, let me look..." She stares at the book, flips to the next page. "A vision of women held hostage at swordpoint and - forced to do humiliating acts by an enemy - a different vision of dead babies -"


"Wow. What did the guy she expected to get babies killed think of all this?"


"The book does not really say." 


"It seems like that would really suck, having everybody associate you with visions like that just because you wouldn't have made a good leader! Would people not take her seriously if she used... words? She has avatars in the spirit world, right, even if she can't just send a letter."


"She has Foresight that sees further than humans can, right? Perhaps She saw that merely a warning in words from an avatar would not suffice to avert the bad events." 


"Why wouldn't it?"


"- How would I know? I am not a goddess who can see the whole world, and this happened two centuries ago, I know nothing of the particulars. Perhaps the shaman would have been prejudiced and ignored the advice?"


"...why would somebody be a shaman and ignore clearly worded advice from his goddess."


"I mean, would not! I hope, at least!"


"Hm. Well, what's next -"


Summerhawk ducks her head and goes back to flipping through the books. 

There are a few more historical cases of Goddess-granted advice that fit Azabel's question. Once an avatar of the Goddess told the shaman that they ought to plant beans instead of barley, and then later a blight ruined all the barley crops. Once the Goddess sent a vision of floods and so they were forewarned to evacuate the women and children and put up flood-blocks. Another time there was a long argument over whether to break off a new clan or not, and the Goddess's avatar gave advice that they ought to, and then they did and this went well. 



"I think I want to know a lot more about Foresight," remarks Aza.


"The human Gift, or the kind that the gods have? I am sure there are many books in Urtho's library on the Gift of Foresight - I am not sure anyone knows much about what the gods have." 


"Well, how much is it known to be different? A lot of other things they do seem a lot like mortal Gifts writ large."


"Maybe. I think that the library has books on Foresight, if you are curious about that in particular." 


"I think I am. What things do gods do that don't seem like mortal gifts at all, is there anything?"


"Hmm. Having spirit avatars, maybe? Some of them are human spirits, former shamans who chose to serve Her even in death, and She gave them a part of Her essence. Others are - less humanlike, our lore says that they are pure shards of Her." 


"Can you talk to them whenever you want or do you have to wait for them to find you? What's the spirit world like?"

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