She should figure out what she's going to do but actually instead she's going to take a couple of minutes to be full of despair.
She can, of course, still do this. This is still a very valuable resource. Even if all it can make is healthy young people with an aptitude for wizardry but no starting spells it's a valuable resource.
But - but the thing she had been looking forward to was making people who weren't broken. Who weren't mostly stupid stuff that'd need scraping away. Who didn't do things like waste time for no reason, become obsessed with themselves at the expense of things that really matter - didn't sit in their room crying because something didn't go their way -
She can make people who are more productive and more easily managed than Chelish people but she can't make a different kind of people who Asmodeus doesn't need to remake.
That's very melodramatic. She can't do it yet. The first naive try didn't work. She doesn't even know for sure that that was the problem.
She lies there for a while. She decides what to do.
She should try again. Without the free will part. She needs to know whether that's the problem. If this time works, then she will have a co-conspirator, and it'll be easier to figure out what to do next, and all won't be lost even if she is arrested and executed or something. If this time doesn't work then she has to hide or fess up to or flee before discovery of two bodies. ...she'll just flee, she thinks. Leave the room locked and get on the next ship out. She won't be able to come back to this city but there are lots and lots of rounds, and she hates the ships but that doesn't matter.
So there is nothing to lose. She wants Asmodia. Looks like - looks exactly like the one standing there, the looks part came out fine. Doesn't have the long list of things people sometimes have wrong with them for no reason. Devoted to Asmodeus, to the cause of building a better world where people do valuable things and prefer to do valuable things and enjoy and draw strength from doing valuable things, unlike this world where most humans care about and obsess over and squander themselves on things that don't matter unless forced or threatened into doing the valuable ones instead. Very high wisdom. Good at research, good at understanding people, easy to work with, ruthless but not sadistic, patient and tolerant of repetitive tasks, as long as they achieve a larger goal. Only pragmatic sorts of preferences about food and clothes and environs and so on.
Waking up already aware of why Carissa made her, and glad to be made, and inclined to immediately inventory herself and offer her best guess about whether it worked.
And she tries again.