man will be lifted by his own creation
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:That makes sense. It's very useful:

She bops around checking on things for a bit and then grabs lunch (this time it's oatmeal!) to see how Leareth's nap is coming along.


Still fast asleep, hasn’t moved at all.


Pet pet. She goes back to work for the rest of the afternoon, writes a letter to Rana, sends someone off to Petras to buy food and get the word out that she'll be in to sell Gifts next week, goes back to Leareth's side around dinnertime (pease again).


He's still asleep but wakes to her approach. "...Mrgg," he says, grumpily. "I feel even more tired than when I went to sleep!" 


"Oh no, I'm sorry. In a couple candlemarks it'll be a reasonable bedtime and you'll probably be just about all right again come morning? But have dinner." She presents him with pease.


Yawn. "You should keep me awake until then, I think, and I will sleep better." Leareth leans on her, still groggy, and nibbles on his pease porridge, which he is sooooooo bored of. 


"I'll do my best. We should have better food variety in a couple of days, when the Petras errand-runner comes back, I sent them with some money for spices and flour and eggs and cheese and such."


"Wonderful!" He eats his pease with slightly renewed enthusiasm, bolstered by the thought that in a few days he'll have literally anything else to eat. 


"I know, right, I'm so sick of this stuff I've been contemplating asking Amshalan to bounce me her sense of taste when she's eating grass."


Chuckle. :I love you: 


:I love you too.

Talked to the Shadowgod:


Leareth goes serious again, freezing with a spoonful of pease halfway to his mouth. :Oh. And?: 


:Went fine - I transcribed -: She offers the notes.


Leareth looks through her notes. He's very used to Belrun's note-formatting by now. :They were not the most forthcoming on all your questions, were They?: 


:I didn't get pushy but yeah, not an open book. I'm waiting on a poll of Companions after more of them have gotten jailbroken to bother Them about that part:


:Mmm: Too sleepy to have much of an opinion. 


:I'm not sure if we should expand Their territory north, it might complicate making your own and I don't feel confident about whether that's a bad idea at this point or not:


:I would at least want to give the matter a great deal of consideration. The Shadowgod thinks the north is not actively at risk from hostile gods?: 


:Said They were dissuading interference there, not that it wasn't at risk:


:I will have to press Them on that question myself, I suppose. Later: 


:Well, if you don't want to figure this out now how do you want me to keep you awake?:


:We could go for a walk? We could play a game, I suppose, although you will definitely win: 


:I do like winning but a walk sounds good:


Leareth has the energy for about half a candlemark of walking - and does seem more alert during it - but after that point it becomes seriously un-fun, maybe he can switch to losing at chess until it's a more reasonable bedtime? 


She will handicap herself half her pieces and see if she can still beat him like that.

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