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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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Nayoki sucks in her breath. 


"I didn't know that was possible."


“Neither - did I - I would not - not careful enough...” And now he is kind of crying, which on the one hand makes a lot of sense because this is horrible and he’s still very disoriented and overwhelmed, and on the other hand is really unhelpful and he would prefer to not but he can’t help it.


Nayoki has never seen him this upset before and has no idea what to do! 


Khemet's instincts are telling him to give Leareth a hug which is a stupid thing for them to tell him because there are several people here in their capacity as people who love Leareth and can comfort him, he's here in his capacity as capable of true resurrection and head of state of the country where Leareth was murdered.


Parmida will give Leareth a hug.


Leareth stiffens as she hugs him, then relaxes a little. He’s having trouble figuring out why he’s this upset. Normally he can just decide to not do that if it’s stupid, which it is.

“I - thought I would not come back,” he mumbles. “Stupid - forgot you had magic - I was very distracted...thought I was safe...”


"You should have been. We - very much regret that you weren't."


“It was not your fault. I ought not have been so careless.” Leareth takes a deep breath, lets it out, focuses on calmcalmcalm. Nudges Parmida away, nodding to her. His face and body language return toward his usual neutral, unreadable affect. 

...The problem, ultimately, is that he finally felt he was among allies, and so he let down his guard, and clearly he should not have done that. Maybe he can when he’s around Aroden, but Aroden can’t protect him from halfway across the world if he does something stupid, and Khemet... Well, it really shouldn’t be the pharoah’s problem, should it, maintaining the necessary level of paranoia against the Velgarth gods whenever Leareth visits.


"Do you have reason to think there were any other conspirators. Our investigation suggested not, but -"


“I have no specific reason to suspect any of the other Tayledras at the Worldwound, since they were not at Urtho’s Tower. Their plan does not seem it required other conspirators. I am not certain of it, however.”


“I do intend to question the other Tayledras, of course. It simply requires some planning, and - delicacy.”


“Does Abadar have a way to prevent the Star-Eyed from sending others to Golarion.”


"Maybe but he wants to move on the Tower first."


“...Move on the Tower?” Leareth says, startled. “That - would seem to be a poorly-advised idea.”


"Well, He's furious with the Star-Eyed, obviously, and He can't kill Her - I asked - but He can take away Her toys. Or at least stop Her from interfering in Aroden taking away Her toys. There are complications because the other Golarion gods aren't delighted about Abadar having all the superweapons either - at least not without sufficient commitments about when He'd use them - but the upshot is that we can pull it off. And then we can escalate from there if we need to because She doesn't have a way to escalate back."


Leareth blinks at Khemet. At this point he’s just confused. 

“This...would not seem to be primarily Abadar’s problem to solve?” he says blankly. (Leareth concedes he is technically a cleric of Abadar’s but not an especially powerful or important one.)


"This is His country and someone smuggled a magical weapon into His palace, murdered His cleric, and broke the agreement about afterlives for Velgarth people who die here to try to steal his soul. It's - obviously you've got to be shaped to retaliate when someone does that!"


“What - did She -” Leareth hadn’t even thought of that, which is stupid of him, it was the obvious plan - kill him, ensure he doesn’t come back, grab him out of Golarion’s reach. End of story. He’s not sure even Aroden could have pulled him out of that.

“How - how close...” It’s kind of a pointless question, he’s here now so obviously She didn’t succeed, but even so he finds himself trembling again, the delayed shock of it hitting him in waves.


"Abadar had a much stronger claim. Which She must not have known about, or not known what it meant."


“Oh.” It’s both beautiful and terrifying, that the only reason he’s alive now is because a god chose him. Leareth doesn’t know how to feel about it. “I - I should thank Him, I suppose. She...might not have known yet, if they received their orders from Her in Urtho’s Tower.”


"You should give Him the chance to apologize, at least. This should never have happened."


...Leareth nods. He blinks a few times, takes a deep breath, and his expression is calm again.

“Well, thank you for resurrecting me so promptly. I should probably not take up any more of your time.”


Aroden offers him the clothes and magic objects, which Leareth accepts with a grateful nod, and starts putting on under the sheet.

I feel uneasy about - some part of how he is reacting, Aroden sends to Parmida. I am not sure what.



Hmmm. Imagine if - you talked to Abadar and you learned who betrayed you and you had your conversations with them making plans for when you're a god again - and then someone else betrayed and murdered you.

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