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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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Vanyel sets down his book. "- You all right?" 


What is he even supposed to say in response to that question. "I think so?" 


"Do you, um, want a hug or something." 


Leareth considers it for a minute. "Yes. I would." 


The pharaoh comes by eventually to let them know that the Star-Eyed has agreed to let Starwind and Moondance be resurrected on the condition that they're returned to Velgarth and that Vanyel and Savil rather than other people promise this. 


It was Savil's idea so Vanyel is pretty sure she's on board with it, and Vanyel is comfortable also promising that as long as the pharaoh is agrees to cooperate with that plan. 


Leareth says nothing. 


"All right. We're going to copy from Aroden's strategy, here; I am going to make a demiplane where only divine magic works, and I'll need help from one of you verifying that works as intended, and then I'll raise them there. - I couldn't have done this on the spot two days ago, I have dedicated most of my higher level spell slots to it."


"Huh, I didn't know you could do that at all. I can check it for you." 


Leareth just nods. It seems like a reasonable precaution. "Can you transport them directly from there to Velgarth." 


"I could Gate from there to Velgarth tomorrow once I have a Gate prepared."


"Would the demiplane be adequate for just leaving them in overnight - I could keep them company there..." Shrug. "I don't know that they'd be dangerous if we didn't, but..." He trails off. 


"It seems safer, yeah. I can make a demiplane that is a perfectly pleasant place to stay overnight."


"Do you have truth magic so we can question them? I assume mine won't work." 


"Ideally not, no. Abadar gives us a truth spell. Also most people can't lie to me but it's probably irresponsible to rely on that."


"I don't think they're unusually good liars or anything but...yes, I don't think we should take chances." 

He glances at Leareth. 


Leareth is still not saying anything. 


He has of course failed people in costlier ways but usually he doesn't have to then have a diplomatic relationship with them for the next fifty years while they look like a kicked puppy. 

"If you don't want to come you could watch with a scry," he says to Leareth. "Though I do think it'll be entirely safe, if you do want to come."


"I will watch with a scry, I think. I know it would be safe but I find it unpleasant not having access to magic and I doubt my presence would make questioning them less awkward." 


"That's very reasonable." He makes sure Leareth has a crystal ball. He rounds up Savil and waits for Aroden to show up.


Aroden shows up shortly, his expression cold and impassive. He doesn't have Parmida with him this time. 


They have to leave the Dome for this, obviously. 

He remains self-conscious about casting in front of Aroden but he casts Create Lesser Demiplane, the seventh-level spell, and transports them - and Starwind and Moondance's bodies - to the plane. It is, at the moment, really boring. It has a hard dirt floor and trails off as mist about twenty feet away in each direction. 

He casts Create Lesser Demiplane again to double its size. He casts the eighth-level version to make one half of it a lush meadow shaded by fruit trees with a little stream running through it so staying all day won't be unpleasant. He casts the ninth-level version to make only divine magic work. 

He's pretty sure it worked just from Aroden's obvious dissatisfaction but he looks to Vanyel to test it.


(Aroden is trying not to be obvious about his dissatisfaction, but nonetheless.) 


Vanyel tries a half-dozen spells. Nope, his magic super does not work. 

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