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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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Aroden will have that conveyed. Does Khemet want an update with Savil's response? 


Nayoki is alerted, and collected and brought to Aroden's office. 

She writes down Khemet's script, and also Aroden's script, which emphasizes that he considers this a betrayal by the Star-Eyed Goddess and not just the individuals involved, and adds a note on the negotiating with Her to let Starwind and Moondance be raised, and this likely requiring some people She likes more than him to make their own commitments. 

She takes a few deep breaths and attempts to scry for Savil. 


The spell finds Savil.


Savil is in what looks like a Work Room, with a large crystal focus in the centre of it, clearly in trance. 


:Savil. We need to speak: 


Savil twitches, scrambling the distance spell she was about to cast. :Nayoki?: 


With very little expression in her mindvoice, Nayoki conveys her script exactly as written. 




:I know it is a great shock. I am very sorry: 

Nayoki waits. Probably Savil just needs some time to absorb this. 

Waits a bit longer. 

:Do you...have questions? We - are going to try to raise them but She stole their spirits–:


Savil gets up and storms to the doorway of the room and starts casting a Gate on - 

- and about a minute later, a furious Herald-Mage is taking down her interplanar Gate and storming up to the doors of the Dome in Osirion. 


Can they help her?


Savil is here on behalf of King Randale of Valdemar and would like an audience with the pharaoh right this second. 


They will see what they can do, but he's very busy.


Savil looks like she would really like to argue with this! But she bites her tongue. 

(She's here without Kellan because this is an emergency and she Gated directly from the Web-room without delaying to go outside somewhere that would be accessible to him - also this way he can pass on to Randi where she is - but ow ow ow this is not helping her mood at ALL.) 


Nayoki gives the crystal ball a concerned look as it goes dark. "Aroden? I told her and she - seemed very shocked, I thought she needed a moment, but then she Gated out without saying anything. I do not know where." 



Aroden is silent for ten seconds. 

"Thank you," he says curtly, and he prepares a Sending to Khemet, stating what just happened and his suspicion that Savil is Gating to Golarion, probably to Osirion, in order to learn more. 


The guards outside the Dome want to know if Savil is willing to agree to a temporary Geas to not Final Strike or physically attack the pharaoh. Security is heightened because some Velgarth mages murdered one person and nearly murdered several hundred in the palace earlier today.


Savil fumes about this for a minute, it seems like an extremely disrespectful request to make of an ALLY who helped Osirion a lot, but - well, she doesn't actually want to murder the pharaoh even if it's true that he's covering up something worse horrible with this awful implausible lie about Starwind and Moondance. She wants answers. Fine, she'll take the stupid geas if it means they let her talk to him and ask what in all hells he's thinking. 


They will with the geas let her talk to him. 


"Herald Savil. Sit comfortably."


"I just heard that you're claiming two of my best friends arranged to murder Leareth in the winter palace and also that they're now dead. Conveniently, since that means they can't speak for themselves. I am extremely disinclined to believe this story, one because - Starwind and Moondance - they wouldn't..." She bites her lip a little. "Two, because it would be so stupid and they aren't stupid. Tell me what actually happened." 


"They asked Leareth to help them with a magical technique problem. They took him into a Work Room for this. They Gated out. At the same second as they Gated out a weapon we believe was taken from Urtho's Tower ripped open a portal to the Abyssal Plane and summoned thousands, maybe millions, of demons, who killed Leareth. They attempted to flee Golarion with an interdimensional Gate. We ordered them killed."


"I do not for a second believe that." 


"Cheliax, whose heir they murdered, wanted every person in the palace interrogated under Truth Spell to determine whether any of them were involved. We will of course extend Valdemar the same courtesy. You can look at the demons, too, if you'd like; they are still in the Work Room."


Savil blinks at him, apparently surprised. She seems caught off guard for a moment. 

"I'll certainly do that," she snaps. "They could have been geased. By someone from your world. None of the mages from our world would have done it, they're all either ours or Leareth's." Her eyes narrow. "Is Leareth - did you...?" 

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