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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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"All right." She takes his hand, again.


Aroden nods to Khemet, and Plane Shifts them to his hallway again just so they don't land somewhere random (he hates that), and then from the office he drops Parmida off back in Cheliax before hopping to the winter palace. 


And he goes to the temple of Abadar, asks for a room, locks himself in it, and talks to his god.


At the winter palace they've been told to expect Cheliax's investigators and are thus less startled than they might have been by an old man teleporting in. They offer to show him to the Work Room in question. They didn't move Starwind and Moondance's bodies, and they haven't touched the Work Room. They respectfully request he not touch it either, whatever's in there might be very dangerous.


Aroden agrees. He stands still for a long time, just surveying everything with his many permanent magic-senses. He can't sense any powerful magic on either of their bodies, but of course he wouldn't be able to, now. And if he's right, would have failed to detect it even if he had been there at the time. 

Then he casts Clairaudience-Clairvoyance and aims it at a point a couple of yards past the closed Work Room door. 


The room is packed with - what seem to be tiny summoned creatures, he can't tell exactly what they are given his lack of any magic senses but they're mostly eyes and teeth and wings strung together without enough body plan to hold it. They're black and very unpleasant looking and also swarming, as though angry at their entrapment. 


He gives a brief, toneless description to the watchers. "You are very lucky they could not get through the room's shielding. Is there a crystal ball I might use for a closer magical inspection." 


One can be acquired for him.


Aroden watches for a while. 

"I do not recognize the summoned entities, but they meet the description of some type of demon summoned from Velgarth's Abyssal Plane. I had wondered if it were the same as our Abyss but I lean towards not. In any case, my understanding is that the Velgarth type of summoning creates a construct-body of magical energies which fades out within about a week. I think the easiest way to deal with this, since there is no body left to retrieve, is to let time do its work, and scry it again next week to see if it is clear and can be opened."

He spends a bit longer trying to get a look at the artifact itself, but he can't find its magical signature between all the stupid tiny demons. It's possible they ate it, or that the violence of the artifact being used destroyed it. 


Does he want to Speak with Dead the corpses, does he want someone brought in who can raise them, does he want everyone in the palace questioned...


He would like everyone in the palace questioned, specifically regarding their interactions with Starwind and Moondance - including, if possible, anyone who met and spoke with them a month ago before the war, when they first arrived. And, sure, he'll Speak with Dead the corpses for now and then decide if he wants them raised. 


These people who are really really stressed that the whole plot hasn't yet been uncovered or that Cheliax is going to be furious run off to get that done.


And someone who prepared Speak with Dead this morning can be found to cast it for him.


The corpses are animated but they are not especially cooperative. Aroden kind of expected that. He'll ask direct yes-or-no questions only; he only gets a few so he plans them carefully. 

Did they bring the magical weapon here to kill Leareth on their Goddess' orders? 


Was anyone other than the two of them involved or aware of this. 


Did they have plans or intent to harm anyone else other than Leareth. 


Aroden sighs. "I would like them raised so that I can learn more. I have a magic-free demiplane which can hold them, and if I am prepared I can Plane Shift there with them the moment they are revived, so they have no time to harm any of you." 


The Osirians aren't thrilled about this because Velgarth mages are capable of a lot of weird stuff but the pharaoh said to do whatever Cheliax wanted so they'll get people who can raise the dead.

Also it is dawning on them who this old man must be and they're kind of freaked out.


(Aroden is pretty confident he can take both of them but he can understand their worries.) 

Possibly a better option to timing a Plane Shift just right is to cast an antimagic field directly, here. Which he can do. He dislikes it because, unlike his custom one, it blocks his magic too until dispelled, but if there are other casters around, he'll take it. Starwind and Moondance can be thoroughly tied and bound now so they definitely won't be going anywhere without magic, and then he can talk to them for a bit and make a call on whether to take them somewhere he can hold them longer or use some other strategy.


Sure. The locals are happy to bind these corpses and then they can attempt the first Raise Dead. 


It doesn't work. 

"They might be presuming - correctly - it's a hostile resurrection, your majesty," the cleric says, frowning. "Would you like me to try the other?"


"Yes, please." Aroden frowns. 


That one doesn't work either.


"Can we scry for them." 


"Yes, let me fetch a crystal ball."

A crystal ball is fetched.


Aroden tries to scry Starwind first. 


Nothing happens.


He tries Moondance. 




"I am going to go back to use my own crystal ball. I think I have seen all that I need to in the palace for now. Please hold onto their bodies, and I will return later to ask about the results of questioning the staff, not that I expect anything to come of it." 

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