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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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...He does not, in fact, actually want to start a war with Osirion - actually, no, he's seriously tempted to start a war if this was in any way their fault, even if they get Leareth back right away. But he should at least wait until he has more information, should keep his options open until he's oriented. What could possibly have happened, Leareth is a very hard person to kill...

"What do you think I should do." 


"- gods, I don't -" This is higher stakes than she is accustomed to even knowing who her husband is. "Send some people who can demand answers and demand they hand over his body for the resurrection? Wish the body here, is that something Wishes can do? Maybe send some people and Sending the pharaoh telling him to expect them and also asking what happened?"


Aroden takes a deep breath. Lets it out. He wants to go there in person, but Parmida's right, it won't actually help and will instead make everything messier. And, on reflection, it - doesn't actually seem likely it was the pharaoh's doing, not knowingly or willingly. Leareth was - is, he corrects himself, they're getting him back - a cleric of Abadar.

He calls for some of his wizards to come right now, and meanwhile hastily prepares a Sending for the pharaoh; he runs the wording past Parmida just to make sure it's not horribly rude in some way he doesn't even intend, usually he's pretty good about that but usually his entire mind isn't mostly consumed by FURY. It is terse but that's mostly the word limit. He sensed Leareth's death and he wants to know what happened immediately, and is sending people to find out, and is also going to try to retrieve Leareth's body so they shouldn't be shocked if it vanishes.

It goes out seconds before half a dozen of his people arrives and he informs them of what little he knows, his face and voice still flat and neutral, and tells them to please Teleport to Osirion now - to one of the places people usually arrive, they don't want to cause alarm in case there's already some sort of horrible emergency related to this - and to request an urgent audience with the pharaoh.

They leave to do so and - 

"I will be right back." This is not as far as he knows a pre-established safe thing to Wish for and he wants to try to crib from his extensive list of Wish wordings from past work. 

He Plane Shifts to his personal demiplane, heads straight for a locked bookshelf, unlocks it, seizes a fat book, Plane Shifts back to his hallway and storms out into his office, briefly considers attempting to scry for the pharaoh but the pharaoh is almost certainly not scryable and he doesn't know who else to look in on - he could scry for Leareth but that's stupid, it won't tell him anything - and so instead he Teleports back to Parmida and sits down heavily on the sofa and opens the book. 


The Sending gets a response from the pharaoh of "I'm aware. Velgarth mages with a Velgarth weapon. In Aktun, can meet you there to discuss."


Aroden relays this curtly to Parmida, flipping to the next page - "I can use this, I think," and he pores over it for thirty seconds longer and then snatches his pad of paper and writes out an adapted wording and reads it through twice. Using Wish on the fly is perhaps not the best idea in the universe, but he's Aroden, he has far better intuitions than any human about how Wish works and also an entire book worth of contingency Wishes he's mapped out over the past fifty years, and he always prepares that spell at least once. And, of course, he has no shortage of diamonds.

He gets out a diamond and casts the Wish. 


The spell fails not in the fashion of a badly phrased Wish but in the fashion of a well-phrased Wish to retrieve something which has been utterly destroyed.


Aroden stares straight ahead for ten seconds. Slowly brings both hands to his temples. 

"Well," he says finally, coldly, "I suppose we will need a True Resurrection. I am going to Aktun to talk to the pharaoh." And he turns to Parmida, helplessness tangling with the distant look in his eyes. "Are you - willing to come...? I am - very angry - I might say something ill-advised -"


"Of course." She squeezes his hand. 


He hesitates, and then turns and hugs her, putting his head down against her shoulder, and for a moment he's fully there and present with her. Then he straightens up, grips her hand, and Plane Shifts both of them to Axis. 


Abadar redirects Plane Shifts to Aktun to a specific location rather than permit Plane Shift to inconveniently drop people at arbitrary locations. The redirect location is a stunningly pretty causeway with a vaulted ceiling; eight trolley lines converge there, and at any given time it's full not just with gawking tourists but also with its citizens, boarding and transferring trolleys. 



Khemet stands with a handful of guards at one end of the room and has his back turned to Aroden at this moment as he scans it; one of the guards notices Aroden, and says something, and Khemet turns.


Normally he would pause for a moment just to admire Axis, he likes it here, but not today. Aroden crosses the room toward Khemet, at a measured pace and trying very hard not to look scary. 


He nods to him. "Aroden. Parmida." Hopefully Aroden has a spell for privacy because he doesn't; if neither of them do they can go to the temple of Abadar that's right near here but that'd be fully sixty seconds of awkward walk and that sounds terrible.


Aroden does, and he casts it right away and then looks Khemet in the eye. He doesn't bother with any kind of honorific, which is possibly rude, but Khemet didn't and also he's so angry. "What happened." 


"Two Tayledras scouts who've been working at the Worldwound, Starwind and Moondance of the k'Treva Vale, requested Leareth help them with a matter of magical technique while he was in the palace. He agreed. They went into a shielded Work Room. A few seconds later, an extraordinarily powerful discharge of magical energies ripped a hole to another plane in the Work Room and summoned something through my people didn't recognize from our alarm-spell. When we arrived, Starwind and Moondance were attempting an interdimensional Gate back to Velgarth. I had them killed; I did not have a way to hold them. We haven't opened the Work Room; we don't know what's in there and don't know if we can safely handle it. I do not know if they had co-conspirators. None of the other Tayledras were present in the palace at the time. If you have a way to hold them I can try to raise them."


"I have a demiplane where only my magic can operate. I could easily hold them there; it held Leareth just fine." His fingers tighten around Parmida's. "The Tayledras are the people bound to the Star-Eyed Goddess, no? This - was her plan, I am almost certain. They as individuals should have had no quarrel with him." 

He looks down. "I attempted to retrieve his body with a Wish. It failed - not because it was badly cast, because there was nothing left to retrieve. I am not sure what is still in that Work Room, but..." 


"Yeah. I want to evacuate the palace but I assume Cheliax'll want to talk to everybody who was there and be assured we swept the place for people who are invisible or rodents right now or something so I haven't ordered the evacuation yet."


"I would like to examine the scene myself." Whatever they summoned, he can probably handle it, but it's unclear if there's much point in trying. He can at least try to look inside with magic. 


"Of course." He gestures with his palms open. "I am going to stay in Aktun because as long as I am here the worst case scenario is that I have to raise both of you. I will of course communicate to everyone that they should do everything they can to aid you in your investigation."


Aroden nods, turns to look at Parmida, and then goes still again. 

It doesn't make sense. He knows how powerful Adept mages are, and - not that powerful. Vanyel shouldn't have been able to do that, certainly not fast enough that Leareth had no time to react. 

"Urtho's Tower." He turns back to Khemet. "They were there. And not watched by Vanyel every moment, I am sure. Neither of them could have done this, but a weapon of Urtho's devising might have. If She had ordered they retrieve it." 


"We had people working with them who would have noticed a powerful magic item they were carrying."


"Did Leareth tell you that Urtho was referred to during his life as the Mage of Silence? His skill was in casting spells, and especially making artifacts, that were so perfectly efficient that they leaked no magic at all, and thus were undetectable to his world's mage-sight. I am not sure this would also slip past all of our detections, but it would likely have evaded Detect Magic." 


He nods, slowly. "I want to ask Abadar to talk to the Star-Eyed."


"That does seem the natural next step. I appreciate it." 

He turns to Parmida. "You should not come to Osirion with me, dear. May I drop you off back in Egorian, to - inform people of what has happened? Vanyel in particular I expect will take it very hard." 


"Of course. Uh, can I tell him everything that was said here?"


"Yes, of course. I think it ought not be widely known, it will just cause panic, but - Vanyel, and Leareth's top people. Ask for Nayoki, she can handle briefing anyone else who should be told." 

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