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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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He leans into the distant sense of Abadar's presence for a moment, obscurely taking comfort in it, albeit a completely different shape of reassurance from the one he finds with Iomedae, or in Khemet's arms. 


Abadar is proud of him, and delighted to cooperate with him, and delighted for the gulf between them to be smaller.


And eventually he lets go of the Mindspeech link. 

The next morning, he's happy to Gate over to Osirion and give Khemet a lift if this is easier for him than his other magical transport. (It's very low-opportunity-cost for Leareth nowadays, given his cleric spells for reversing magical fatigue, it mainly just means a bit more weather-magic for his other mages to do.) 


Then he can do a proper diplomatic visit to Velgarth. 


Randi comes out to greet them, smiling and cheerful. All of the Heralds very conscientiously follow the pharaoh-greeting protocols and once that's dealt with they can go inside and get settled. 


He is quite happy to get through that and go in and get settled. Haven is beautiful! He hopes that Golarion's resources and resurrections have been of some aid in recovering from the war.


They have. Valdemar and Karse are doing much better as a result. He decided against complicating this set of meetings any further by inviting Karse’s Queen, since Vkandis apparently neither gets along with Abadar nor with Leareth.


Leareth has no comment here.


Abadar is hoping he'll be able to improve relations with Velgarth's gods now that He has more of a footprint here and can be legible to them in important ways. The stupid wasteful fight with the Star-Eyed, for example, would've been avoided if She'd seen what would happen if She started it, and hopefully from now on things like that won't happen.

He asked Abadar, incidentally, when He expects to have Valdemaran clerics with Restoration so that Randi doesn't have to source that offplanet, which must be at least moderately inconvenient; Abadar thought it might be a couple of years just because the concept of clerics is so new and if you overwhelm them with power then you're more likely to get mistakes in using it, but it's on His radar. In the meantime of course Osirion is delighted to provide it as often as needed.


It's not too bad, especially since Shavri thinks he can space them at longer intervals if he gets Lesser Restoration more often in between, but Randi very much appreciates that Abadar is tracking this concern. 

He understands that usually churches in Golarion provide various sorts of infrastructure? Probably this should be integrated somehow with the Heraldic and Healers' Collegia but he's not sure exactly how it makes sense to divide up responsibilities, and it might end up looking different from countries in Golarion since Valdemar has a different set of native Gifts and existing institutions. 


In Osirion the church of Abadar does criminal justice but its main advantage there is truth magic, which Valdemar already has; probably it makes sense here to just arrange for the existing criminal justice system to be able to request truth spells from clerics when they're short on nearby Heralds. The thing the church of Abadar does everywhere is banking and insurance, it usually outcompetes other banking institutions due to ease of coordinating access to one's accounts from around the world and due to being able to effectively avoid fraud and theft.


Valdemar approximately doesn't have organized banking the way Osirion does, based on the reading material Vanyel sent him, and - he thinks most places in Velgarth don't have insurance as a concept? 


The Eastern Empire has something resembling it, but Leareth thinks the version provided by the Church of Abadar is just better, and it won't duplicate existing work done by Heralds so it's a straight value add. 


Insurance is so amazing! A lot of what makes it hard for farmers to invest in their future is that there's not much reward to having an unusually good year and there are devastating penalties for a bad year so it's not worth doing anything that is likely to make things a lot better but stands some chance of making them worse. If people have insurance against starving in a bad year and savings accounts to reap returns from good years then they start investing in things that enhance their labor productivity! Also the prices that come out once insurance auditors have been at their work for a while are information about which investments are worthwhile. Osirion is working on a national life insurance program where if you pay in every year you'll be raised from the dead if you ever die, and Valdemar is poorer and has fewer clerics and probably can't make that work yet but - maybe in twenty or thirty years. In the meantime they could probably have what Osirion had before diamonds got much cheaper, which is insurance that pays out a pension to your widow and children if you die, which makes a big difference all by itself. 


Leareth finds it adorable when Khemet is excited about insurance and now that they have Telepathic Bond he can tell him so, privately. 


That's a neat idea and he's excited for Valdemar to try it! 


And they can hammer out other things like extradition treaties and trade agreements and immigration and so on.


They should probably talk about Starwind and Moondance (even though it sounds very awkward and Randi isn't especially looking forward to that conversation.) 


Ugh, yeah. Have they proposed anything - do they want to go back to k'Treva, for instance.


They haven't proposed anything. Moondance in particular really doesn't seem to want to go back to k'Treva. 

Savil can give an update on the current situation. Starwind and Moondance are still in Haven, being supervised all the time albeit no longer in a Work Room, still under a Mindhealing block against Gating out or using magic to harm people. They are still very withdrawn and moody but seem a little better now than before. No one has any idea what to do with them in the longer term. 


In Osirion - well, honestly in Osirion they'd be dead but if they had attempted murder under less charged circumstances they'd be sentenced to a monastery where they could do good for society and redeem themselves. This is more important when there are afterlives to worry about, though. 


That seems - better than a lot of alternatives, really? It also seems relevant to her that in a very real sense they were forced to do this. Moondance in particular is really traumatized about it; Starwind seems to feel more mixed, and she suspects he would have followed his Goddess' orders even without the mind-control part. Still, she can vaguely imagine that Moondance might be more okay, someday, if he could go do some good for society for a decade or something. 


Well if Valdemar would like to hand them back so they can do construction in a monastery in Osirion or Cheliax which is probably going to copy some elements of that system now that it's not just rooting for everyone to get bad afterlives, they'll take them. 


"That makes sense. Seems possible to me they won't want to go back to Osirion, given - things - Leareth, Aroden, would you be comfortable having them in Cheliax?" 


"As long as it is a part far away from where I am, certainly." 

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