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that looks like a pretty intractable problem you've got there have you tried throwing more leareths at it
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It's a pretty decent party. And Leareth did, maybe, meet a prospective wife at it, if not the way he expected. 

He tries not to dwell on Carissa too much. It won't help. 


King Randale is back in Valdemar, now that the capital is being rebuilt, and he wonders if Aroden or Leareth would be interested in a formal state visit at some point? He sends a polite letter of invitation. 

Also he wants to at least exchange correspondence with the pharaoh of Osirion on what to do about Starwind and Moondance, now that one, their Goddess has substantially less power, and two, they no longer seem to be under Her pact, though the other Tayledras still are for at least a little longer. He's not sure if the pharaoh would be willing to come to Velgarth, but Abadar apparently has a lot of power in Haven now, so he's invited if he wants to come? 


Things in Cheliax feel reasonably under control right now, so Aroden would be delighted to visit for a day or two, and Leareth might be able to stay longer. 


He can also make a day trip!


Then Randi would also like to discuss the status of Abadar's new clerics, none of whom have more than first-level spells yet, but Valdemar doesn't have any precedent for magic users not operating under one of the Collegia, and he's unsure what to do here. 


That makes sense! He knows how the church organizes itself with respect to the state in Qadira and elsewhere in the Kelesh Empire and in Katapesh and Taldor and Andoran and Cheliax and maybe some of those arrangements will be inspiring to Valdemar. Importantly, in none of those places does the church answer to Osirion; in general the church intervenes in conflict on the side of the defender if at all, which means there are rarely split loyalties. In most countries the King wants oaths of loyalty from the leadership of the church, and this is an entirely reasonable ask; conveniently a cleric who broke it would probably lose their cleric powers immediately. If it makes sense to structure oversight of the church in a collegium sort of setup, or to have one that would also encompass other churches that grant divine magic if any of them show up, he could brainstorm ideas there.


Valdemar's ideals about freedom of religion are admirable but probably they don't actually want Asmodeus allowed to set up shop here? Osirion bans proselytizing for, though not worship of, chaotic or evil gods. Many countries in Golarion just outright ban being a cleric of an evil god.


It sounds like there are a lot of factors and they can discuss it most easily when they all meet in person. Randi will suggest a date for the day trip part, and then Leareth can potentially stay longer; helpfully, he's also a cleric of Abadar so can maybe assist with setting up whatever they decide on there. 


Leareth has been sort of avoiding talking to Abadar ever since the fight with the Star-Eyed, but that's mostly for silly reasons at this point; he even knows he can do it without getting a headache, thanks to his help giving Abadar a better interface. 

So the day before their visit, he waits until evening when he's caught up on all his commitments, and then stretches out on his bed and prays. 


:Leareth.: No falling sensation at all, though his Mindspeech overtones are weird.


:I did not have a chance to congratulate you on your success against the Star-Eyed: The new interface is drastically better too. :I hope you are satisfied with the retaliation:


:Yes. I wish She could follow why it happened, it'd reduce the odds of it needing to happen again, but maybe with time we'll make progress on that. I am reacclimating myself to being legible within Foresight and that should help.

How are you doing?:


:Better, now. Almost completely back to normal. It was - bad, for days: Leareth takes a slow deep breath. He doesn't actually want to criticize Abadar or demand an apology, he thinks Abadar acted reasonably, just... :I was very, very scared, that - I would never have my mind fully back: 


:I know. I did not predict that particular avenue of harm.: Pause. :Most of the time if the overall benefits of something exceed the costs by enough it is worthwhile to do it and then compensate those who incurred the costs with some fraction of the benefits. I did not anticipate the degree to which we were risking a cost that could not easily be compensated in that fashion. If I had, I think I would still have thought this ought to be done, but I would have discussed it with you.:


:I understand: It's such a very Abadar answer. :I - think we are lucky, and it could have gone worse and left more permanent damage. I do not like being all right only by luck, and in future I hope that I - that we - will be able to anticipate such risks rather than be surprised by them: 


:I agree. I think as I learn more about Velgarth that will be more true of the potential consequences of actions in Velgarth.:


:That makes sense. It must help, having more presence in Velgarth: Pause. :It was suggested that I stay in Haven for a time, since it is safer for me now that you and the Valdemaran god who is not unfriendly to me are those with influence, and that I help set up Your church there: 


:I think that would be beneficial to the church in Valdemar.: A fond feeling. :They are very new and lack a lot of context that even a new church in Golarion would have.


If you wanted to, having incurred the costs of an action that overall benefitted me enormously, redeem some of those benefits, that would be reasonable.:


Leareth also doesn't have the most context of anyone, but at least he's close with Khemet. 

:Redeem some of the benefits in what form?: 


:I am not sure what you want, right now. You could have some more cleric levels, or a favor on the scale Khemet can request of me with Miracle, or have an operations building in Aktun, or save it for later.:


:I will take some time to consider it: An operations building in Aktun is very tempting, but he should skim what the next circle of cleric spells would give him, and maybe ask Khemet what sorts of things one can do with Miracle. :Thank you: 


:You are very welcome.:




There's something Leareth still wants to convey and he isn't sure how to put it into words. :I still only remember fragments of what happened, but - I think it was only survivable because I trusted you. I remember - you calling to me, and I did not know what was happening or where I was but I still pulled toward rather than away, and - so I am very glad you are shaped a way I can trust: 


:I could try to convey it but I worry that would give you the same problem you had in the first place. I think you are right, about what happened, or at least a thing whose main surface correlates are that. I am very happy that we can work together.:


It's tempting to know more what it was like from Abadar's angle, but he definitely shouldn't risk it.

:I am glad you are easier to speak to now: he adds. :It makes it much lower-cost for me to ask questions, though I will keep in mind the attention cost to you: 


:It also lowers that, though by less, since I do not have to try as hard to not hurt you more than necessary.:

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