Kaede's flying with purpose. He has Information and a little artefact to prove his Information is correct. This will be grand. He's flying and he's grinning and life's (reasonably) good (terms and conditions apply).
Metamancer Kaede in Elcenia
"Have I mentioned you're adorable?" she asks, walking up to him. "Because you're adorable."
"I know, I don't think anyone else around speaks your language and furthermore you look vaguely Ertydon if nothing else, I just don't recall if you've said that before."
"Ah. I probably have, but you were too busy reading something or thinking to notice. Which is also adorable."
Shrug. He sits down and starts eating his random food without looking at it. Occasionally he brings an empty fork to his mouth.
She gets some food and sits with him, too, and tries to figure out what he's reading without bothering him.
—okay that might be interesting to ask. "What are you reading about, beyond the obvious?"