Kaede's flying with purpose. He has Information and a little artefact to prove his Information is correct. This will be grand. He's flying and he's grinning and life's (reasonably) good (terms and conditions apply).
"And that's a magic thing rather than just your brain processing things you see differently?"
"I haven't been invited to prove it and if I tried they'd think I memorized the book."
"I could ask it about what page it was open to but it wouldn't know what someone was reading."
"—for that matter can you actually ask it stuff? I was being metaphorical—anyway I'll explore that later, but it could tell you what was written on the page it was open to?"
"I can ask them stuff. Otherwise they just go through all the facts about them in a loop. So yeah."
"Okay so like that should be enough to prove it's not fake in less than ten minutes, shouldn't it? Close your eyes, have someone pick any books they want and open them to random pages, start reciting what they say."