Kaede's flying with purpose. He has Information and a little artefact to prove his Information is correct. This will be grand. He's flying and he's grinning and life's (reasonably) good (terms and conditions apply).
"Honestly, not a clue, anymore. Not that I had a super solid one before, but now Elcenia, opening trade relations might be the single best thing that could happen to Galatea."
"Other cultures, trade opportunities, other governments to whom they have to look good, immigration opportunities, magical exchange..."
"Hmm, I guess so, but the reverse is likely not true, and even sans magic you guys are technologically ahead of us. Plus, culturally ahead of us, at least this country, and this is bound to help."
"But actually it hadn't occurred to me that Galatea would export but not import magical stuff. I guess we do have something to offer after all."
"Potions probably work there just fine. And you could try to get lights to work there, maybe."
"I mean, here, they don't because a few percent of the population is lights and we don't need that many."
"Oh, fair enough. Yeah there'd definitely be a market, and a few percent of the population from here is rather a lot back there."
"I think we've been around as a society for less time, and the war nearly wiped us out and happened less than a thousand years ago."
"Almost that, I don't think the war caused damage to any particular species like it did humans."
"Vampires had that bottleneck I mentioned but mostly nothing here has gone almost extinct."