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Rescue in the City of Angles
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...well that's slightly creepy but pretty cool.



And down into the tunnels they go, this time through a nearby building's maintenance room. It's locked, apparently; she doesn't even attempt to open it before setting to picking it, which takes her only slightly longer than opening it with a key would.


Gregory is slightly approving of this.

The men in suits noticed they left and are now finding their way to the tunnels.

Permalink did they know...?

"Following us," she reports, and sets off at a steady jog.


Gregory nods and follows. He's pretty used to running around.


As is Penny, who suddenly becomes much more serious.


They're probably in better shape than she is, and she doesn't want to wear herself out; she picks up the pace a little, though.

She routes them around a Sideways exit, which takes them through an unlit section. "Straight," she directs as they approach it.


They follow without questioning.


It's a straight shot, as promised, and a minute or two later they're back out into the light.

Denice takes the next turn away from the Yates' apartment and slows to check on their pursuers.


Pursuers: are not gaining on them. Are in fact pretty lost.


Awesome. She turns back around and takes a relatively straightforward route back to the apartment, keeping an ear on them for any changes.



The people in suits have apparently decided to come back and go the long way around, just in case Gregory and Penny are going for their apartment.



She finds a nook with favorable acoustics to stop in and pulls out her phone. "They know where your house is. We can probably beat them there. I don't know if we should."


"I expect they do know, yes. A place that's not our apartment might be best for this conversation."



"...Okay." And then after a few seconds she starts off again, leading them through two more turns and up a flight of stairs to what seems to be an employee break room, mundane except for the fact that it has no doors but the one they came in through.





He finds a place to sit. "Penny, I have something I need to tell you."


"Finally." She takes a seat, too. "What is it?"


Sitting, yup. Closeish to Penny, and where she doesn't have trouble seeing Greg.


"First, you need to understand that no matter what, you're my daughter, and I love you."




"That will never change, understand? It's always been true, and will always be true, no matter what."


"Right... okay, I love you, too, Dad, but what's this have to do with anything?"


People are doing things she doesn't understand again. Okay. Well, she'll just keep an eye on the suits, then, they can always use more information about that. (She follows the conversation, too, though. Not with enough attention that she could contribute to it, but certainly with enough to remember it later and shift her attention back if she seems needed.)


"Well... you know your mother and I had you while we were lost in the Sideways, right?"


"Dad! Eww!"

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