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Rescue in the City of Angles
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Nod, type type type.

"A few days after I got here, I accidentally fell into the Sideways - it was a one-way door, I couldn't get out again."

"While I was there I met Bedlam. I ran away from her and found Sadde and we helped each other escape."

"Bedlam was at the tower right before you got there, too, and talked to the second guy with the drug when he went into the Sideways."

"She looks and sounds just like Penny, if Penny was a Picasso. We don't know why."


"Bedlam," he repeats, deadpan. "The actual goddess of chaos."


"That's how she introduced herself. And she doesn't act like the other Picassos I've heard."


He looks at Penny for a few seconds. "We should move this conversation elsewhere."





"Do you think you could help us lose our tails?"


"Sure. It'll be easier if we go out the back way."


"Okay." He looks at his food, going cold, and—


"Do you want something to eat? We can pay."


She tenses up a little and looks questioningly at Greg.


He sighs but nods.


She doesn't relax but she does seem a little surprised, and glances at Penny before going back to her phone to reply.

"Okay. Thank you. A sandwich or something?"


"Here, sec," she says, and she grabs a menu and shows it to Denice. "They have lots of things. There are crab cakes and crab cake sandwiches and I usually get lobster chowder but it's not on the menu, it's special because Archie likes making me food..."


She glances through the menu - she really can't be reading it at that speed.

"Crab cake sandwich is fine. Thanks."


So they order that for her!


She doesn't seem very comfortable with this, but eats without comment, though with a tendency to glance up at Greg any time he moves too fast and occasionally even when he doesn't.


He doesn't actually do a lot of moving, most of the time. He looks about as tense as her.


Penny on the other hand can hold three people's worth of conversation by herself, and does so, talking about school and a new book she's reading and the upcoming version of her mapping software.


In short order they're done, and she checks their surroundings again, for new suit-or-overalls people and to make sure the ones she spotted earlier haven't moved.


They have not meaningfully moved, no.


Excellent. Map app out, then, and she shows the Yates her suggested route to get to the nearest entrance to the underground. "Have... flashlight, app?"


"I do, yeah."


She nods.

"Good. I can try to keep us in the lit tunnels if you want, but I can't hear the difference from very far away; it's easier if we can go through dark ones too."


"Okay. Let's go?"


She nods and leads the way. Once they're out of the building, her body language goes slightly odd as her attention is mostly elsewhere and she stops pretending to navigate by vision.

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