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Rescue in the City of Angles
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It turns out "That Fish Place" is actually the name of the restaurant they're going to. The building that became it was a clothing sweatshop before being echoed into the City of Angles, and is now a rather nice upper-middle class restaurant. Lunch rush is just starting and a crowd of families and couples is starting to get seated. There is already a wait line. Gregory and Penny breeze through it like it's not there, though, and Greg gives Johnny the Maître d' a Manly Hug Where You Hit The Other Guy On The Back Repeatedly.

"Greg and Penny! I gotta say I'm surprised to see you two here after just two weeks. How's your new friend, kiddo?" he asks Penny.


"New friend?" she asks, looking startled. "Oh, you mean Dave? He's alright, he joined the FARTs..."


Johnny snorts. "Well, good for him, I guess. What can I do you for?"

"Just our usual table in the back is fine," Greg answers.

"Sure, sure, anything for family," Johnny says, and leads them inside to loud protests of the other people. When they're far enough away from the crowd Johnny asks in an undertone, "What's up?"

"Tell you in a bit," Gregory whispers back.

They are seated and Johnny asks, "What will you have?"

"The usual," Greg says.


"Me, too," Penny says, and takes out her phone.

<PennyLane> So what were they whispering when they thought I couldn't notice?


<argylecape> Nothing yet

<argylecape> They're going to talk later.


<PennyLane> Maybe they'll talk with me around, wouldn't that be fun?

<PennyLane> That was sarcasm

<PennyLane> Well it would be fun but I don't think they will


<argylecape> Heh.

<argylecape> Yeah.

<argylecape> Grownups.


<PennyLane> Yeah


And soon enough Johnny brings them food—fish something for Gregory, lobster other thing for Penny. Greg starts eating.


Penny looks up from her phone, sets it aside and... tilts her head. "So... what?"


Her father looks up from his food at her. "Hm?"


"Why'd we come here?"


"I told you, to bring you to see your uncle."


She gives him a look.


He returns a blank one.


"I saw him last week—not that I don't like seeing him—and you've been gone a lot—and do you think I don't know you're looking into the Cult of Bedlam?"


That... does take him aback. "What?"


She folds her arms and glares at him.




"Penny," he sighs. "How did you find out?"


"Have you thought I'm smarter than you think? Maybe more responsible and could figure things out so you shouldn't be hiding things? Huh?"


"Penny, this is important—"


"Yes it's important and you won't tell me what it is!"

She realizes she's standing up, and she might have said that a bit more loudly than she wanted to. She sits back down.


He frowns, and opens his mouth to say something, but then a very large man with a wide grin walks up to them. "If it isn't my favorite family!" Then he takes in the mood and pauses. "Is this a bad moment?"


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