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Rescue in the City of Angles
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<argylecape> We can definitely lose them, I was expecting it to be a lot harder last time.

<argylecape> Unnoticed would be better, let me check...



They'd need to distract all four henchmen to escape unnoticed.


<argylecape> Not unless something distracts them.


He considers the question for a bit while he and Penny throw their belongings into bags—they've always lived out of suitcases, there's not a lot of them—then says, "We'll wait for a bit and see if they feel like slacking. It's best if Dougal doesn't know we caught on."


<argylecape> Makes sense.

Meanwhile she starts scanning around, starting a couple blocks away and working outward: Is there anything she could mess with to make a distraction?


Two of them are in different buildings watching the Yates' with binoculars, the other two are standing in alleyways letting them see the side streets accessible from the building. There isn't a single thing that would attract the four suited men's attentions at the same time.


Well, it was worth checking, anyway.


The Yates share a tense time, with most of their belongings packed up and ready to bolt at any time. As time wears on, their tails start getting variously distracted at various times, but there's always at least one of them watching.


Rescue keeps watch, giving them regular updates and reporting when three of the four are distracted.


Gregory is increasingly frustrated by this.

But after a few hours, a new person-in-a-suit approaches.


She reports this, too.


"Is it a shift change?" he asks.

And apparently, it is: this new person is replacing one of the people with binoculars. The other three stay put, though.


<argylecape> Just for the one. Should I follow him?


"Yes. He might just go home somewhere, but he might not."


<argylecape> All right.

<argylecape> I'll let you know when I get too far away to watch the others.


Follow follow.


Ironically enough, he takes the subway.


See, this is why you don't let them see your face when you don't have to, so when you do have to it isn't a disaster. She continues following.





He flickers.



<argylecape> Picasso warning

<argylecape> This guy just flickered

<argylecape> Coming back now

She makes a show of patting her pockets looking for something and being exasperated not to find it and heads back up out of the subway. As soon as she's back in her tunnels, she takes off at a sprint.


The guy does not seem to be going cubist, however—he does not flicker again.

"Where? The subway?" Penny says, starting and getting up. "I'm gonna call the D.o.S.!"


<argylecape> DO NOT

<argylecape> He's /from/ the DoS

<argylecape> We don't want to give them any idea they're being watched


"But lots of other people can get hurt! And anyone else could've spotted him in the subway."

She explains quickly to her father what her outburst is about.


<argylecape> I will explain when I get there DON'T


She misses a turn in her distraction, and falls as she tries to turn back around; she's definitely going to be feeling that one tomorrow.


"Where are you? Are you alright?"


<argylecape> Yeah

<argylecape> Can't run and type

<argylecape> One minute



<argylecape> Okay

<argylecape> So

<argylecape> Something I learned when I was locked up

<argylecape> That if I hadn't figured it out I wouldn't have been able to escape, it's important

<argylecape> Is that you never want the bag guys to know things if you can help it

<argylecape> Like

<argylecape> Okay, sometimes

<argylecape> If you've really thought about it, tell them things

<argylecape> But usually the more they know the less choices you have

<argylecape> Because when you do things, they learn from that

<argylecape> And if you need them not to learn something and they already have a clue about it and you can't do things without giving them more clues, you're stuck

<argylecape> With this

<argylecape> I'm sure they know about that guy

<argylecape> Montgomery is the same

<argylecape> If they want Picassos running around they can do it

<argylecape> If there are two there are probably more

<argylecape> We're not going to stop them by stopping that one guy

<argylecape> But if they have one flickery guy after you there might be more

<argylecape> After you

<argylecape> I don't know what they're doing but

<argylecape> If they have Picassos they can aim

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