Jane Russell
"The Erogamer"
LVL: 1 (0%)
DOM: 30/130
SUB: 50/280
BOD: 13 (+)
LST: 12 (+)
SED: 8 (+)
FUK: 8 (+)
PRV: 12 (+)
ERO: 10 (+)
Points: 5
Money:Status Effects: 'Innocent' Virgin
Description: Jane Russell is a college freshmen majoring in Undecided, currently recovering from being dumped by her high school boyfriend three weeks into a long-distance relationship which he swore would be just fine and she had nothing to worry about. Unbeknownst to her, something called the "Erogame" has just decided to help with that.'
Erogamer's Body (Lvl MAX): The biological ability to live your life as an erogame. Venereal disease doesn't exist for you, or pregnancies or periods. Arbitrarily large appendages can fit inside any of your orifices. You heal from all injuries with a good night's sleep, ready for the next day's adventures. Other aspects of this skill depend on the BOD stat.
Erogamer's Mind (Lvl MAX): The mental flexibility to live your life as an erogame. You're more able to accept the realities of your new world. You'll also bounce back from painful, upsetting and bizarre sexual experiences with relative ease. Rape can be anything from a recoverable trauma to a Tuesday afternoon, but it won't ruin your life. Other aspects of this skill depend on the FUK, SED, LST, and PRV stats.Erogamer's World (Lvl MAX): The consent of reality to live your life as an erogame. People are never too preoccupied to consider sex or romance, not while you're around. Bystanders won't ignore what you do, but they're unlikely to actually stop you. Those who do decide to involve themselves are drawn into the logic of the Erogame. If you go far enough that an authority sees no choice but to intervene… they won't treat you as a simple criminal. Other aspects of this skill depend on the ERO stat.
To Mine Own Me Be True (Lvl MAX): Even at the center of the Erogame, you are not just an erogame character, but a human being possessed of her own free will. Your family will always be safe from you, and little children everywhere.
Everything's Better With Ero: On every quest and every path you walk, taking the option that turns you on more will never lead to worse results in the long run than taking the option that seems safe, sensible, and practical. This perk does not operate by reducing the rewards of safe, sensible, practical-seeming paths.
Info // Status Effects// 'Innocent' Virgin
Merely existing in the age of the Internet has already raised your PRV stat above 10. Still, until you choose to lose your virginity, the Erogame will not force you to give it up.
Info // Character Stats // Level:
At LVL 1, and 0% progress toward the next level, you'll never be this weak again. You can increase your level by completing the quests the Erogame offers you, or by causing romantic and sexual events to happen to you or around you. The more difficult the challenge, the greater the rewards.
Info // Character Stats // Body:
With the average being 10, and perfect 10s being 40, your BOD of 13 is above average pretty. You'll never be the most head-turning girl in your class, but you're no slacker either.
You can increase this stat through exhibitionism, and other acts that invoke the pure beauty and power of your physical form.
Info // Character Stats // Lust:
At a LST of 12, you usually have to jerk off to go to sleep, but it doesn't bother you that much the rest of the time.
You gain in this stat while experiencing sexual urges that are unusually intense or that go on unusually long.
Info // Character Stats // Seduction:
Your SED of 8 reflects less your innate charm and more the fact that seducing guys your own age mostly requires the ability to go "hey, wanna fuck?"
You can increase this stat by arousing the romantic interest or sexual desire of others, and successfully pursuing them or being caught.
Info // Character Stats // Fucking:
Your FUK of 8 shows that, while being thoughtful and considerate counts, and a strong grasp of the relative theory counts, there's only so far you can get without hands-on experience.
How do you increase this stat? Take a guess.
Info // Character Stats // Perversion:
Your PRV of 12 shows that you have looked for porn upon the Internet, and managed not to completely avoid the dubious products of Rule 34. But you're still not quite sure what you like yet.
You can increase this stat by being a little less close-minded, and acting accordingly.
Info // Character Stats // Erogame Logic:
At an ERO of 10, your life has become an erogame taking place in a mostly realistic setting. What happens to you might seem unlikely to others, but it won't break their belief in a sane universe… yet. Witnesses will reach for explanations other than the Erogame, but they'll still notice the unusual events.
If you keep pushing probability to its limits, then probability will learn to be a bit more flexible down there, relax and take it in and not protest so much.
Info // Character Stats // Dominant and Submissive Energy:
If this were a different game, you'd have mana and hit points, and they'd refill from you sitting on your ass.
When Esther leaves, Jane gives her a "see you tomorrow!" and them promptly leaves herself, doing her best not to let her current state of confusion show. She heads back to her dorm to see if her video on PornHub has gotten any comments yet.
+1 BOD for nude pictures
Quest available: You Can Leave Your Hat On
You must complete a quest before you can advance your BOD beyond 30!
Walk around naked in public for 24 hours.
Success: BOD 31, +5000 XP, +5 ERO
Info // Online Presence:
You earn 10XP each time somebody comes:
- While looking at a non-retouched picture or video of you.
- While listening and paying attention to your recorded voice.
- While reading an erotic story you wrote that is entirely based on true events.
- While looking at an erotic drawing that you personally drew.
- While watching a hentai for which you provided at least one of script, storyboards, or voice acting.
- While playing a VR game whose models and motions were captured from you.
- While interacting with an AI that was programmed by you or trained on data you generated.
- While playing an eroge whose character routes feature you and your companions.Only one orgasm per session will be counted. Repeated edging or ruined orgasms may qualify at the Erogame's discretion. Forcing or incentivizing orgasms (e.g. as mandatory supervised daily sessions within a territory you rule) reduces per-orgasm XP gains, but does not eliminate them. Promoting or advertising your online presence carries no penalty.
For details of how you are currently doing online, check Info // Online Presence // My Metrics. Advanced ad-free metrics can be unlocked by paying $5.99/month.
She didn't want to say "no" to a quest like that. BOD 30 had been enough to get someone she previously hadn't been nearly cool enough to hang out with to notice her, but the Erogame had said a "perfect 10" was BOD 40. Why shouldn't she magic herself into a perfect 10, if the Erogame had that on offer?
She vaguely remembers hearing about a college student who somehow got away with going to class naked for some time before the university put a stop to it, maybe Googling him would give her some ideas for reasons she could give for going to class naked? Oh shit, he killed himself she suddenly realizes as she reads his story. That's depressing. Still, she might be able to borrow his arguments about the inherently oppressive nature of clothing.
This could be a good test of just what Erogamer's World lets her get away with too. Actually, now that she thought about it, the idea of showing of her new BOD to the world was kind of sexy, which meant if the Erogame was to be trusted, walking around naked for 24 hours definitely couldn't have worse results in the long run than not doing that.
On the other hand, 30 BOD seemed to be serving her pretty well for the time being. Just because she wants to go higher eventually doesn't mean there needs to be a rush. In fact, before she increases her BOD any more, maybe it would be a good idea to go to class tomorrow and see just how many people give her the "you're new" treatment.
Anyway, what's this about earning XP for her "online presence"? "Info, online presence, my metrics" she whispers.
Info/Online Presence/My Metrics
You have uploaded: "Watch me take all TWELVE INCHES of this dildo"
"Watch me take all TWELVE INCHES of this dildo": has: 435 views!
You have caused: 92 orgasms!
You have earned: 920 XP!
Wow that's a lot of, uh, masturbation happening while I was at dinner.
But 920 XP is pretty damn good for just uploading a crappy cellphone video to one site. She should scale this. After spending some time researching all the places one can post porn to online, she settles for uploading the video to a half-dozen video sharing sites and posting the links on a dozen subreddits as being at least a good start. Maybe she'll do more later—she had no idea how many porn subreddits there were.
She figures that's probably as much Erogame as she's going to get done for the day, so she gets to work on the anthro assignment she's been putting off... only to remember she hasn't picked out a perk. She looks at the perk selection again. Re-reading the perks, it seems pretty obvious she's got a ways to go before any of them are terribly useful... except maybe the Truth, if something is already fucking with her memory. Also because it could prevent anything from fucking with her memory again in the future—something that seems like just about the worst thing imaginable.
What if she already voluntarily had her memory messed with? She can't imagine why. A life only worth living because you edited your own memory doesn't seem like much of a life. And it's possible that at 1st level she took a perk of the form, "make the horrible thing go away, and forget it ever existed"—if the thing was sufficiently horrible, maybe her past self thought that was a good trade, but she suspects the "make the horrible thing go away" part would have been more compelling to past!Jane than the "forget the horrible thing ever existed" part. In that situation she thinks, her ideal solution would be to make the horrible thing go away but still remember it.
What are other reasons she might have tampered with her own memory? Maybe to forget something horrible she'd done... but if she's secretly an evil person, she should really face that before doing any more playing around with what claims to be a source of ultimate cosmic power (or at least cosmic power enough to turn 99.99% of the population into sex zombies). Maybe she had some information that couldn't fall into the wrong hands, but if so, wiping her memory when the Truth perk was right there was a terrible plan. Honestly, if past!Jane messed with her own memory, she deserves to have present!Jane undo that, because what kind of idiot wouldn't see that turn of events coming?
The other possible downside of taking Truth is she won't ever be able to mess with her own memory in the future... but the options the Erogame is presenting her with for doing that all seem kind of insane. Maybe in the future she'll want to erase some past trauma from her memory, except the Erogame seems to be promising her she can't be traumatized for life anymore. And even if in the future she really, really wanted to forget something, after she forgot the thing, the Truth perk would still be there, and she'd no longer be able to remember a good reason for not taking it.
Okay Erogame, I think I've thought sufficiently carefully about this. She taps the perk's name with her finger.
Well, that's several bad decisions I no longer have to worry about making.
She finishes her anthro assignment somewhat hastily and gets ready for bed. She already came once today, but doing it again still seems like a good idea to help her get to sleep. As she lies back, vibrator in hand, her mind wanders to the thought of kissing Esther—would she really enjoy that? Maybe not. She's still pretty sure she's straight—she's had plenty of crushes on guys, but never on girls. So maybe it wouldn't actually be much fun to make out with Esther... or have Esther suck on her nipples... or—
She forces her attention back to an image of Daveed Diggs handcuffed shirtless to a table, and keeps it there until she comes. Then she falls asleep.
In the morning her attention is drawn to the bulletin board, which seems to have acquired several new fliers overnight.
Fliers advertise:
-Consent is Sexy workshop!
-Kissing booth to raise money for queer-inclusive sex ed classes for underprivileged youth!
-Corset modeling! Earn $$$!
-Need to pay off student loans? This workshop will teach you to make YOUR porn career work for YOU!
Money is good. The purchase of the giant dildo yesterday still stings (even if she got 20 stat points out of the bargain), and it would be nice to be able to make that up. So she'll definitely follow up on the modeling job, and maybe the porn workshop—though she reads the flier carefully for any hints at whether this is more "sell videos of yourself jerking off" or "get fucked on camera for money". While she's at it, she takes a look at the date and time on the Consent is Sexy workshop—who knows, it could actually be sexy.
Consent is Sexy workshop is tonight, porn workshop is tomorrow, modeling job says you should call anytime.
Jane takes down the info for all three. She'll call the modeling job immediately—she's got time, she designed her class schedule to let her sleep in a bit, but she hasn't actually been staying up that late.