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Jinx & Mark in Runeterra
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"I like him too. If I'd known this was one of his buildings I wouldn't have stuck a bomb in it." 

She shrugs. 

"Just my luck, huh?"


"That is the way your luck seems to run," she agrees.


"Well, let's be quick about it then."

In through the lobby to the elevator, with a quick wave to the automaton doorman.


Lobby! Elevator! Being the personality with social skills just in case they run into anyone!


Hallway hallway apartment. 

Jinx produces a key, and carefully edges open the door.


And on the other side...?


An androgynous man with bleach-blonde hair sits in front of a television. He doesn't seem to have noticed the two of them.


Jinx rubs the bridge of her nose. 

"... Great. Well, might as well get it over with..."


This should be interesting.


Jinx pushes the door open, and walks right past the man in front of the television on her way deeper into the apartment. 


"Hey, who the - Wait a minute, Jinx? Where the fuck have you been?"


Jinx's voice drifts back from the other room. "None of your business, Vic!"


Ruava shrugs and follows.


Vic cranes his neck after her, then blinks as Ruava passes in Jinx's wake. 

"... hey, why didn't you tell me you got a new girlfriend?"


Jinx returns from the other room with a fistful of wires and plastic explosive in one hand. 

"Since when are the other people I sleep with any of your business? Especially now."


"... What the fuck, is that a fucking bomb? Did you plant a fucking bomb in my apartment, Jinx?"


Oh boy.


"Yeah, it's a bomb. Pretty cool, huh? If you wanna stop having a bomb in your apartment sooner rather than later, you might wanna suspend the argument, Vic."


"I always knew you were crazy, but planting a fucking bomb in my apartment is just a whole new level, girl. Were you really fucking planning on blowing me up?" 


"Honestly, kinda tempted. But no, I don't hate you that much." 

Jinx tosses her handful of plastic explosives at Ruava and disappears back into the other room. 


She catches it neatly and smoothly, without apparent effort, and goes to watch Jinx at work.


Jinx neatly pulls out blasting caps from bricks of plastic explosive, and gathers up the attached wires with wide sweeps of her hand. 


Vic follows the pair of them into the other room, and rubs his forehead when he sees the bomb. 

"... Kindred, that's a lot of explosives. Yeah, probably too vengeful for it to be your style."

He shakes his head.


Jinx doesn't look up from her work. "Told you so." 


"So. Apparently we're just going to ignore the fact that my fiancée just up and left for three months and then when she came back with her new girlfriend it was to disassemble the bomb she planted in my apartment."

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