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Jinx & Mark in Runeterra
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The cozy blanket nevertheless follows her.


Jinx appreciates the cozy blanket! She shows her appreciation with kisses.

"Hmmm, what to make... Not pancakes again, but still special... Oh! I'll make snausages. Sausages. I probably shouldn't use made-up words on you while you're still trying to learn the language."


Giggle. Kiss. "You're adorable."


"Aww, thanks." 

Sizzle sizzle sausages. And some eggs too. And where is her toaster lurking, here it is, she can toast some toast. 

"Had eggs before? Want them any particular way?"


"Hmm... I think I'll be Idain for breakfast because she seems to like food a lot—"


Shift. "—and yes, we've had eggs before, but I don't have a particular preference."


Jinx giggles, and kisses Idain. 

"Morning, girlfriend two. Tell Ruava that what she just did there was cute. And if you don't have any opinion on eggs, how about beverages? Apple juice, orange juice, milk?"


"Hmm. Apple juice," she decides.


Jinx pours a mug for Idain. 

"Here you go! Sorry, sausages will take a bit. Any thoughts about what to do today? I mean, I can probably think of a few things but I wanna hear what you think."


"Hm. Not sure. What is there to do?"


"Well, I didn't get any actual shopping done yesterday so we're going to run out of breakfasts in a few more days. And, uh. There's also covert bomb disposal, that should also be a thing."


"Yes, that seems like a reasonable agenda."


"... I'm usually more careful than to leave a live detonator in my shorts. Nothing is going to explode, all the actually dangerous stuff is in these." She taps the stack of metal crates with one finger.


She smiles and nods.


"Oh, uh. Just as a note. Don't try to open these, it'll wreck the apartment and possibly also you. I take my bomb safety very seriously when I actually remember to do it."


"All right, I won't."


"Thanks. I like you with all your limbs attached."

She coughs. 

"... So yeah, I've got five outstanding detonators. Fast way would be to report them to the police, but the explosives are extremely stable - you can light them on fire and they won't go off - and honestly I was looking forward to sneaking them back out. Then again that was before I accidentally blew up a building. I'm... gonna let you two decide on this one."



"...sneaking explosives out of places does sound like fun..."


"Honestly, officerbot, this isn't what it looks like, I was disassembling a bomb, this is literally the opposite of a crime, can I go?"


...she giggles.


"Yeah, you can see why it appeals. I'm more worried that someone might stumble across something and do something stupid than anything else... on the other hand, I'm pretty good at hiding these things, nobody's done that before."


"Something stupid?"


"Nobody's found one. Though people might be looking harder now, now that I think of it. Honestly though, it's really difficult to detonate this stuff by accident: I'm just way beyond underestimating people's stupidity by now. Zaun."


Well, that... sort of accidentally answers her actual question. She nods.


"The thing I might be most concerned about is if someone finds a bomb on a roof, panics, and throws part of it off the edge. When it hits the ground... that might be the kind of really sharp shock that you need to get this stuff to explode."

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