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Jinx & Mark in Runeterra
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Dial dial dial. 

"I think I'll get us three this time, just so we have something to fall back on for snacks." 


"Good plan."


"And you, miss heroine of the city, should probably not be around while I'm answering the door. Unless you want to spend the next four hours signing autographs."


"I'm good at hiding," she says.


Jinx giggles. "I noticed. Or, uh, didn't notice."


She giggles too.


Order order order smile at the cute Idain order order order.


Idain sits very still and smiles at Jinx. (Very still seems to be just how she sits.)


Idain is both spooky and cute. It's cool how she does that. 

(All done ordering, join Idain on the couch. ...she would like to snuggle but she has a feeling Idain might not appreciate it.)


Well then Idain will sit very still and smile at her some more.


... She's starting to reconsider her position on snuggling, but if she starts now she'll just have to get up for pizza in ten minutes. 

"So, Idain. Um." She waves her hands vaguely. "... Sorry, I guess it's hard to come up with 'tell me about yourself' questions that will successfully avoid the obvious. Maybe you should ask me questions instead? I dunno, this isn't exactly a situation I practiced for. Maybe I should've." 


She laughs.

"I think it would be very hard to practice for this. It's all right."


Jinx grins. "Just goes to show you didn't grow up in Zaun." 


"Is one's girlfriend turning out to have multiple personalities an everyday hazard in Zaun?"


"Not exactly, but I'd be surprised if it hasn't happened to someone else. Zaun isn't exactly a sane place: one of its local champions started life as a rat."


"What are they now?"


"A bipedal rat the size of a person, that can talk, speak, and shoot people with poison-dipped crossbow bolts. Another champion from Zaun is literally a biological weapon made of living slime. You, uh, learn to get adaptable."


"I see."


"...this is starting to turn into 'remember when you almost died' storytime. Which is traditional amongst my people, but I suspect kind of depressing for you."


"Well," she says contemplatively, "it's not as though I have any non-depressing stories. Unless I start telling you about the landscape again."


"Yeah. Way too common a problem, hence the traditional 'ways I almost died' storytime." 

Jinx blows a strand of hair out of her face. 


"I don't think I'd mind 'ways I almost died'."


"Go ahead if you wanna! Oh, or you could maybe talk about your magic, it's obviously different from Ruava's but I don't think you ever really gave me a rundown on how, y'know, all that works?"


"I actually haven't almost died very many times," she says contemplatively. "Nirue preferred to keep us. I can tell you about magic, though."

She picks up the sketchpad and draws a symbol.

"See how the three triangles overlap? There are three base elements: Earth, Air, and Light. Then there are three combination elements: Earth and Air make Water, Air and Light make Fire, Light and Earth make Wood. The focus of Earth is the self; Air is the world; Light is other people. Mages get the combination of elements whose focus best suits them. I'm very Air and very Earth so I'm Water. Ruava is extremely Light."


"Huh. What am I? Can you tell?"

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