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Jinx & Mark in Runeterra
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"... I'm going to sound amazingly dumb if this is wrong, but are you and Idain undergoing some form of extended Summoning ritual and actually sharing the same body?"


"There's no Summoning ritual involved, but yep, you got it right! It's kind of funny, if we'd had the chance to pick deliberately, Idain would've wanted to be the one who does break-ins and I would've wanted to be the one who does dramatic rescues. I'd handle the publicity way better. But she happened to be in the middle of drawing when we heard the explosion, and here we are."


"... Even as a League Champion, sometime hero, and a scientist at the cutting edge of Hextech, this is still one of the top three strangest situations I've met. Give me a second here, I need to think this whole thing through properly."


She nods agreeably.


Jayce presses a fist against his lips and makes a noncommittal grunt. 

"... I think at this point we probably need to deal with the anonymous tipper. If their next call gets through to the police, they sure aren't going to agree with my assessment of the situation. Honestly, I'm not sure if I agree with my assessment of the situation. One thing I'm pretty sure of, though: it's not gonna be helped by a boatload of cops storming through the door."


"You are so very right about that! And I'm pretty sure I know exactly who it is, we were at his place dismantling bombs earlier."


"Hm. Any suggestions on the best approach to use?"


"Mm, not sure. He's got a personal grievance with Jinx, mostly not related either way to the bombs in his apartment."


"... Hm. I mean, I could simply detain him, but I try to avoid locking up innocents."


"Kinda debatably innocent in the moral sense, but I'm not familiar enough with local law to comment."


"In your personal opinion, would the world be better off without this individual wandering about at will?"


"Mmm... only on a fairly petty scale such that I wouldn't personally be comfortable imprisoning him unless I knew worse things about him than the things I in fact know."


"Hm. I think that's good enough for me to detain him for a few hours and ask some pointed questions, and then I can make a more accurate assessment from there."


She nods. "All right."


"I'd recommend that you use the time to track down your girlfriend. Probably not safe for the two of you to stay here tonight."




"Good luck. I'll meet you here again tomorrow evening to update you on things, sound good?"


"Yeah. See you then. And thanks."


"No problem."

And off goes Jayce.


And Ruava heads out to find Jinx.

It shouldn't be too hard. She's starting to get the hang of navigating this city.


And yet Jinx always seems to end up in the most interesting places.

Where will she start?


How about she checks the nearest of the places she knows Jinx has recently been, and goes from there? Keeping an ear out for trouble on the way.


There doesn't seem to be any trouble going on. Hard to tell if that's fortunate or unfortunate. 

What's definitely fortunate is that Idain is very good at Noticing Things.


It's a convenient talent!

Where shall they find their girlfriend?


They shall find their girlfriend sitting at a card table in the back room of a smoky, bass-drowned basement club at the end of a blind alley. 

As Ruava walks in, Jinx looks up from her cards with a grin: she says something, but the thudding music crushes it completely.

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