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"Okay good."


"...How do you identify - I don't expect it to be helpful but - how?"

He may be trying to convince Sauron that he's buying this simulation. It's what I would do - did.


"If nice things are happening I believe it," he says cheerfully.


"Well. We can go somewhere south and be safe and have everything okay for the rest of your life."



Malak steps off to give them some sort-of-privacy (Elf ears are amazing, so not much privacy is gained). They keep a closer eye on the escapees. (Suicide is easier when one has eyes to look for implements. Malak has decided at least a one-week waiting period should be implemented.)

"Tower at Tol-in-Gaurhoth destroyed. Sauron was invested in the tower and surrounding area and has been accordingly weakened and set back." (They get an explanation from Lúthien about what happened when they destroyed the tower) "Twenty-nine prisoners rescued. Names from those who would give them as follows...

"Heading to south Brethil. Intend to deliver rescues to Nargothrond or settle them apart from the city according to your recommendation. Will permit rescues to commit suicide in one week from writing of this letter (estimated four days from receipt) unless you advise other policy.

"Have made some discoveries regarding spells and my condition, will discuss in-person."

They send it off.


Congratulations. Don't bring them here or settle them with humans if you have any alternatives - there've been problems with people seeming all right and then snapping suddenly and stabbing everyone around them, there're containment procedures but it's usually a few years or decades before they're non-traumatized enough to cooperate with those. Happy to provide resources for resettlement.


"Thought that might be the case. Resources for resettlement appreciated. Suggestions for site? Is Thingol still giving you trouble over Lúthien, we can swing by the border on our way to let Doriath know you don't have her; couldn't persuade Lúthien to delay rescue for that." Actually they forgot to even mention it to her. Maybe a little bit on purpose.


That would be appreciated. The mouth of the Sirion is arable and uninhabited and not exactly defensible but they'd have to go through here first. Can send support down the river, too.


Malak gets the dagger back from Lúthien. They offer it to each of the prisoners. They offer their hands to anyone who'd prefer assisted suicide.


Against Lúthien's protests, they offer it to Beren. He deserves a choice.


Beren is not going to do that to her, has Malak met her? What kind of horrible person - Elves don't even ever get over anything, they just mope forever -




"I didn't think he would, but he deserved the choice. If he was miserable enough that he'd rather be dead, you wouldn't be doing him any favors by keeping him alive. And no, I'm not happy, I just cut four people's throats and watched seven more stab themselves in the heart."


"Elves come back. Beren'd be gone."


"And if what he was experiencing was so terrible that being gone forever would be better than that? I gave him a choice. He chose to stay with you. Isn't that better than him being forced to stay in this world whether he wants to or not?"


"Not if he wants it because he doesn't even think it's me, or if I might be able to come up with something better -"


"And how long did you plan to keep him alive against his will while you waited to figure something out?"


"I'm glad he chose you."


Sigh. "What're you doing now, are you going to try to kill Melkor -"



"Um, no, I could barely annoy Sauron, I'm not going to stand a chance against Melkor. I think that'll be true no matter how long I have to prepare."


"Okay. What are you going to do -"


"Talk. Talk to Nargothrond's new king. Talk to Maedhros. Talk to the High King. I suspect I'd have trouble talking to either of your parents but... If I can make the Noldor alliance less in-name-only than it sounded, maybe even get Doriath on board," and teach them all my sort of magic "then maybe they'll have a chance."


"That sounds good. I hope you're right. I hope it works."


"Yeah. Curufin thinks the mouth of the Sirion is a good place to settle - for the rescues, he doesn't want to bring them into other populated places - you and Beren could join them unless you'd rather go somewhere else... I was thinking now that everyone can walk we can just follow the river, that will also bring us past Doriath so you can, uh, shout over the border or something that you're OK, your father keeps sending Nargothrond threatening letters. He thinks the Fëanorians are planning to, erm, marry you."


"...if they thought it'd work - anyway, yeah, I can tell them I'm okay if we don't get close enough they can actually interfere -"


"Elven eyesight and hearing are both really good, I'm sure we can just stand on a hill or something until a sentry sees you alive and well... How do you think they'd be likely to interfere?"


"Come and grab me, probably."

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