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She gets the boat moving. She deflects something aimed at Beren. Sauron speeds towards her across the water, held up by nothing at all -


- and then the magical darkness encompasses the area where Malak is and they can see that, no, Sauron is still standing on the bridge, and hasn't sung the river backwards at all -


So it's all an illusion, that's good. Except that illusions are almost always cover for something else so is he doing anything on the bridge or just standing there?

It's an illusion, but play along for now until I can figure out what he's up to and they send Lúthien their vision.


Thanks -


The werewolves can swim; they're jumping into the water and going after the ice floe.


...Cold enough to freeze water is cold enough to flash-freeze a body and even if it somehow isn't it's still cold enough to freeze water. Were-sicles can just bob harmlessly down the river no faster than the current.  What is Sauron up to besides illusions...?


The singing tug-of-war with Lúthien for the direction of motion of the ice floe, and apparently not much else.


And then the ground attempts to swallow Malak.


So invisibility is apparently not completely effective. Teleportation works for not being swallowed by the ground, though.  And a lightning bolt, arcing over the distance between them and the probably-actually-Sauron.  And then they move again, just in case.


Sauron frowns.

...Sauron withdraws the magical darkness just around Malak, replaces it with an illusory purple wall.


Malak moves, again - to the air, above and behind where Sauron was - a spray of acid, then teleport again - the walls of Tol Sirion.


It seems to take him a few seconds to locate them, every time. When he does the walls go blazing hot.


Malak falls inside the walls, stops sending vision to Lúthien, fireballs the courtyard, (takes the dying orcs' magic, prays this is real) teleports to the mainland foot of the bridge, still invisible.


The singing is intensifying and making the world - shakier, somehow, the bridge isn't physically moving but they don't land exactly where they expect and the world spins aggressively even without Sauron's illusion complicating it. 

Sauron again takes a second to find them, tries something this time that feels like being swatted hard by a flying piece of metal -


Malak is knocked off their feet and into a roll, how does Sauron like being flash-frozen and they teleport away, how's Lúthien managing



She's singing.  The ice floe is in fact moving downriver. 

Can't intercept osanwë- not surprised he can find you somehow if you were in Doriath my mother could by the pressure on the ground or something -


It takes him some time here goes nothing

Malak is on the bridge behind Sauron and, no, things are shaky now they're on the bridge behind Sauron and they thrust with their sword and then they're up on the wall again they can keep going all day as long as Sauron doesn't run out of orcs.


Sauron is not in fact able to react in time but also does not seem seriously injured by the stabbing. Now everywhere in stabbing range of Sauron is on fire and so is he; he moves a hand violently and the raft tips and Lúthien steadies it.


Malak is somewhat fireproof. They charge their sword with lightning and do it again. They'll give a convincing cry of pain, though, and dive into the water before teleporting away.


The fire intensifies. The world-shaking seems to lessen slightly when Sauron's stabbed.


So, lightning doesn't seem to do much, acid doesn't do much, fire doesn't do much, cold doesn't do much, stabbing has an effect. It's weird that Sauron seems to have spell resistance but they'll ponder the implications of that later.

Malak teleports away, hits their throwing knives with a separate invisibility, then right in front of Sauron, slashes at his eyes ow that actually hurts now, teleport away but not too far, fling a knife


Yep that has an effect on the worldbending thing (and the ice floe slips off farther down the river) -


Malak is mainly doing this to buy time but...

Once more into the flames, one more sword slash, teleport and two knives, another angle and two more and then they're headed back to Lúthien and the ice floe. They shapeshift elf before turning visible, no use showing Sauron their face.


And then the water really does roar up around them, no illusion, and tip the ice floe, and Sauron vanishes.


They seem not to have bought enough time.  They can swim, pull some prisoners back to the ice, not enough...

Lúthien do you have a way to see him


She grabs Beren's hand and cries out and parts the river around them, lets them crash to the bank, pulls out the people Malak didn't get to - but that's absurd, it would require being in several places at once and she's not moving at all -


- uh, no -


Uh, did you just save those people or was that an illusion?

Malak really prefers being invisible to having someone invisible hunting them, this role reversal is really quite unpleasant.


No I got it Mum can do that but I didn't know I could - dunno if they're actually okay though -

The river crashes shut over their heads - 

She keeps singing -

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