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Malak is used to rather unbounded magical healing and has not yet figured out that Elven healing is more limited. Is there anyone in the room besides the two of them and the prisoners?


Yeah, lots of orcs.


Well, Malak will be ready for them next trip.

Can you show me who's still alive, which one is Beren


Beren's still alive. She points out everyone who is. It's most of them.


OK, Malak, Lúthien, Beren, and five more are away from the island on the banks of the Sirion, and then a moment later Malak is not with them anymore and is back in the dungeon, how are the orcs reacting to six prisoners disappearing?


They don't notice instantly. Then someone does notice, and prods someone else, and that person calls out.


Well, in that time another seven prisoners have been transported and when Malak gets back to the dungeon they conjure a spray of acid into the orc crowd.

It eats through flesh and bone with a speed that natural acids just don't match and it's a painful, horrible way to die but it's also efficient and doesn't get out of control like fire does and

Malak feels the deaths and they're surprised and horrified because they knew it might happen but they didn't really expect it, not here...

Another seven.


And now more are coming.


Well now that Malak has killed some of them they're not going to kill more. Hopefully they're less suicidally fanatic than elves.  The doorway is blocked with a wall of fire. Seven more prisoners are free by the river bank and Malak has not bothered to check how well Lúthien is handling them all because that can wait.


When they get back Sauron's there and the air is filled with some very sticky sort of smoke.


Sauron's reaction time: About 33 seconds. Probably will be faster next time. Should get a read on his combat abilities. How does he react to a bolt of lightning?


Sends a lot of knives flying out of nowhere at the source.


Good thing Malak's in the habit of moving after attacking.

Bad thing that it didn't seem to do much at all.

Now does not seem to be the time for a protracted fight, with the amount of magic Malak's spent on teleports, there are still people here but are they even real, is it worth the harm if they aren't...

Malak chooses. They fill the room with fire, pouring as much as they can into it to make the flames hot, hungry, angry.  They grab seven more prisoners before the flames reach them and teleport out.

All the others are dead, Gorthaur is hopefully mildly inconvenienced but I wouldn't bet on that how fast do you think they can move. They probably cannot hide the distress they're feeling, not while sending things, but Lúthien can probably ignore that until later...


I'm not even sure they can walk - 

And, indeed, wounds are closing, but slowly -


...They are not going to get away on foot unless they leave most of the prisoners behind and that's unacceptable.

Malak has cold magic, cold enough to flash-freeze a person is cold enough to freeze water. And they have the magic to spare, after the dungeon, Lúthien can't read but she can probably count, she'll notice and ask about that but it's fine, whoever's running this obviously knows already - or maybe this is real, they'll need to recalibrate - 

They cut off their thoughts and start making an ice floe.

Once it's thick enough we'll have to move them onto this they can't walk but we can just float downriver it'll be faster...


Nod - I can sing it along if you think that'll help more than healing -


If you can sing water to ice then yes, that'd probably help more

It's spreading and thickening but too slow is there any response from the island yet?


Yep. He's heading out across the bridge. Walking. Singing - well, his mouth isn't moving, but there's song, and something seems to be leeching out of the stone of the building to follow him in a black cloud.


The ice is thick enough now, probably. Malak tells Lúthien to load the prisoners and keeps expanding the ice.


The river begins to run backwards.


...Oh. That's a problem. Sort of. The prisoners are loaded already, unloading would take time they don't have... They push off with a blast of force and keep pushing, aiming for the far side of the island and hoping Sauron can't make rivers flow sideways.


Sure he can. Can also fly, looks like. The smoke billows out and gathers and the waters drag them back.




How does that even work, where is the water going

Lúthien, any chance we can take him or do we take Beren and run? I don think we're getting away with all of them.


She stands up on the raft and starts singing the river back around - Don't know, can try -


Then let's try

Malak leaps to shore - still invisible - and throws another lightning bolt at Sauron.

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