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Malak extracts them, depositing them a ways away from the water's edge.


And she picks herself up and runs at Tol Sirion. Can you heal Beren -


I don't have healing magic, why are you going back there?


I'm pretty sure if we knock it down he won't be able to follow us can you help me with that -



They grab Lúthien, teleport where should I put you teleport there and Malak will make sure no orcs interfere and use that magic for acid at the base of the tower.


And she will start to shred it brick by brick and - yep, there's Sauron, visible again -


Well, there are orcs to spare, Malak has magic to spare, they really really hope Nerikross isn't just casually slaughtering civilians to create the deaths, because there's no other way that he and his would have the ability to spoof that...

They pour nearly everything into a lightning bolt, sparing just enough for one fireball or teleport...


The fortress crumbles. Sauron vanishes again, Lúthien clasps her hands to her head - let's go -


They go.

Not all the way back to the prisoners, that was more than one teleport away.

"Uh. We have to go the rest of the way on foot, it's that direction."


"Okay -" Running -


Malak runs too, the elf-shape helps with that. The sun hasn't risen yet, so the shapeshift will expire before sunset but it'll be self-sustaining until then.

They get to where they left the prisoners.


Yep. Prisoners. Mostly still alive, even.


Dead by drowning or from their wounds or suicide or surprise werewolf?


First three.


Lúthien runs to Beren.


"I love you do you mind if I hold you while I do the rest of the healing it's going to take days - we're safe - I think we're safe - I think he's gone -"


There is no discernible answer but she picks him up and starts singing again anyway.


Malak tends to the other twenty-eight. Moves them near Lúthien so they can hear her sing. Tries to pick soft ground for them to lie on. Moves away any rocks or sharp sticks or...

(Malak is conflicted about this but it's probably best to wait a while before letting them commit suicide)

Malak keeps watch for the rest of the day, they're not more than a mile away and orcs or wolves could be in pursuit...


Beren wakes up. He blinks at Lúthien a couple times, and then says "oh, sweetheart, you shouldn't have risked it."


"Um. Bullshit. And also I wasn't even risking very much I just pushed the river around a little."


Oh, the rescues have eyes again.

"Um. You were definitely risking a lot. And your contribution was more than just pushing around an iceberg. You saved a lot of lives today, don't sell yourself short."


"Who -"


Uh, are you still doing the cover story -


For now, yeah. There's still a chance Sauron and company will assume I'm just a weirdly talented elf or Maia, we can't be sure he doesn't have spies listening now, even if we could it seems good to stay in the habit...


"I went to Nargothrond for help. He helped a lot. Uh - are you okay, I heard stuff about what he does to people -"


"I know how to identify tricks of the Enemy. I love you."

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