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Couple minutes pass. 

:Randi thinks he ought to make the rounds of Valinor, meet the relevant leadership: Vanyel sends. :He would appreciate an escort – he's not worried about it being dangerous here but cultural translation still seems helpful: 

Pause. :Also he said he asked Fëanáro this before and was declined, but wanted to ask you too in case you, er, knew more about conditions on the ground. They were expecting refugees from Arda and started preparing for that, then the war ended and that seems unnecessary, but he's wondering if Endorë could use food or Healers or other aid, since he's got a bunch of that collected anyway: 


That's very good of him. I bet we could use Healers and once the sun gets started help with agriculture, but it feels - unjust - to take from people who have such short lives anyway.


Vanyel ignores the second part. :Randi says we can lend you some Healers, if he has assurances that they'll be stationed in well-secured areas. He thinks quite a lot of people are very excited to see your world anyway: 


All right. I'm sure we can make arrangements for their security.


:Thank you. I should make sure Randi and I finish all the conversations we'd wanted to have, but I can meet you outside the garden in maybe half an hour or an hour?: 


Sounds great. 

And he conveys this to Leareth.


Sure, seems fine. Leareth is going to take a nap then because he is mysteriously very tired again. 


Then when Vanyel arrives Maitimo will be holding a sleeping Leareth and singing. 


Okay, what, this is a baffling scene to walk in on, Vanyel is so incredibly confused. He doesn't even know what the right question is to ask and it's probably rude anyway so he just sort of stares blankly at them. 


He has trouble sleeping. I expect this is the worst of it, once he's had a bit of time to process all the new memories and once Melody has taken a shot at making them a more reasonable amount of salient he will probably have less trouble.


:Oh. Um, right, that makes a lot of sense – I was terrible at sleeping for years after, er, bad things happened to me: It's still very discomfiting. Also it's confusing because one of the top pieces of advice he got about interacting with Leareth now was not to touch him, and even apart from that, 'Leareth' and 'cuddly' just do not belong in the same sentence. 

:Can you not wake him up just yet?: Vanyel adds. :I, just... I think I don't have my head around - all of this. Him being traumatized this way. I...should be able to empathize about it, really, but it's mostly just putting me really off-balance right now: 


I have been mostly trying to let him sleep until he wakes up on his own. We can catch up while we're waiting for him. 


It makes sense that it's be hard to see someone who you knew as you knew him in such different conditions.


Vanyel sits down next to them, drapes his arms around his knees. :That's a lot of it. And - I just feel incredibly guilty every time I look at him. I feel like it's my fault we took as long as we did – that he got captured at all, if I hadn't been so messed up by Gates and my magic were working I could've helped fight... I know that's stupid. The Leareth I remember would tell me off for feeling guilty, if he knew - or, no, he would very respectfully talk me through it...: 


Have you thought of a way we could've saved him sooner?


:No. Have you?: 


No. I don't think there was one. We had to get back to Velgarth and that was a substantial research project even for Leareth. He could've left you detailed notes about it, but he was expecting to have time to talk to you. 


:I could have walked in and Final Striked Melkor and - and then at least he would've come back in Velgarth somewhere instead of...this...:

Vanyel hugs his knees to his chest. :I don't think I should have done that. For one we're not completely sure he would have come back, if Melkor were tampering with his magic... I think my mind just keeps looking for ways for this to - not be what reality is: 


And if you'd done that Randi would be dying of whatever his thing is, and even if Leareth kept the memories that'd let him rediscover Arda it wouldn't be for a long time.


I think that reality is just very bad even with everyone doing their best.


:Yes: Vanyel should know that if anyone does, really. :I want to try to help him - I feel like I owe him that, and also I just want him to be okay - but it's really weird and I'm worried it's uncomfortable for him too. I would be really embarrassed about it in his place: 


It seems like in the long run it might be good for him to have some evidence that he will still have friends and allies when he is not perfectly in control of everything.


:That makes sense. ...I'm not sure he really does having friends? I guess he did say once that he considered me a friend, but I'm not sure what that meant to him at the time. Probably something different from, um, whatever it is that makes him have an easier time sleeping if you're holding him and singing to him – I'm sorry, that's just still really jarring to me, before today I wouldn't have pictured Leareth hugging anyone: 


I get the sense he has not historically done any having friends, yeah. He was - confused about why we were not just going to stick him somewhere where we could forget about him and go do other stuff, given that it might take him a long time to recover. 


:What? Oh no, that's so sad: 


It is! To be fair I bet if he were functioning normally he'd have had better models of us. But still, there's some - some assumptions about how people work, there. 


:Yes. It did seem off – I mean, that's the way start thinking, if I'm - in a bad place - but it's still really odd for Leareth to be doing that. Anyway, it's... I feel like I could convince him it's correct for strategic reasons for us to help him, now, but that's not even why? Even if I thought he wasn't ever going to get better enough to help us fix Velgarth or whatever, I'd still want to be around now?: 

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