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He orders them some dinner.


Leareth right now is very bad at continuing to do any task, even eating, even if it's right in front of him. He keeps staring into space instead or seeming to half fall asleep. 


Well, he can remind him to take every single bite, if necessary. 

And he probably is really tired, he usually is after Melody does things and this time he was tired going in.

So after dinner he can go to sleep, if he doesn't object.


No objections and he will sleep for about fourteen hours straight if Maitimo doesn't bother him. 


Maitimo is not going to bother him. He probably needs it, and he can get Vanyel settled back in and check on how everyone else did in his absence.


Vanyel wants to know how Leareth is doing but also feels like it might be rude or something asking about him behind his back. 


"I can let you know when he's up and you can go say hi?"


"Sure, that sounds good." 


"Want to learn another song -"




Leareth wakes up feeling less tired in some sense but still pretty foggy. Probably he should eventually move or something but that seems hard. 


He alerts Vanyel of this so he can go in and talk to Leareth.


Vanyel goes in. Gamely tries to talk to Leareth for a few minutes. 

:...Maitimo, did Melody do one of those blocks that interferes with emotions?: he checks after a while. :He's really out of it:


Yeah. She said he would be but it'll be easier to process the emotions in a week.


:Mmm. I might just read a book to him or something, then – I've had that kind of block before and the worst part is being kind of bored all the time but not motivated enough to do anything. Are there any books in the library you would recommend - or recommend that I definitely avoid - or should I just grab something at random? I don't read that well in Quenya yet but this'll be good practice: 


Oh, that's a great idea! I can get you a reasonably engaging history that doesn't have anything awful in it.


:Sounds good. I wanted to learn more in depth about your history anyway, now that there's time:

Vanyel is very slow at reading in Quenya but Leareth doesn't care. He gets better with practice.

A while later it occurs to Vanyel that he should make sure Leareth eats and drinks something and is reminded that going to the bathroom is something humans need to do sometimes. Then he'll read some more until he starts to worry about running out of voice. He wants to save some for singing later. 


Well between the two of them and the fifteen hundred Noldor Maitimo commands here they can probably keep Leareth entertained and reminded to eat and drink until the block can be removed, and Vanyel can save his voice for singing in the evenings.


Melody comes back a week later. 

"Hey, Leareth, it's good to see you. You look much better rested. I'm going to get everything off first and then we can talk and decide what if anything to put back. Sounds good?" 

(Sure, seems fine.) 

:Anything notable in the last week?: she asks Maitimo while she gets started. 


He's been pretty out of it but Vanyel seemed to think it was normal for the kind of block you did. We read him books, sang to him. Bathed him. 

Maitimo did not wash Leareth's hair but when the block is off he will ask Leareth whether he ought to if similar circumstances arise again.


:Yes, that's pretty normal: Melody slows down before unhooking the last few knotted-aside threads. "Doing all right there?"


"I can manage." He's in a nice quiet familiar room and starting out calm, this is fine. 


"Good, good." She finishes undoing everything. Asks Leareth's permission to show Maitimo the tapestry again. 


"Yes. You do not need to ask me every single time, either." Actually, can Maitimo bounce it to him as well using osanwë? Leareth would normally be able to share it directly with Melody but even if she's a strong enough Mindspeaker to get a link to him at all with his Gifts blocked, she won't be able to do images with it. 


He can absolutely bounce everything Melody is showing him to Leareth with osanwë, he hadn't realized they couldn't share it directly under the circumstances. Now Leareth can look at his tapestry-brain.

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