Occlus meets a redeemed Darth Vader
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That is indeed where she is.

"Do you require something?"


"Found a trail of a Dark Jedi to chase. I don't think it'll take long, but Ani's leery about me going alone. She can't get away from her current mission, though, and was wondering if you wanted to accompany me."

From his tone, he's loosely resigned to being babysat, but thinks he's more ready than Ani obviously does.


"What sort of trail?"


"A Bfasshi Dark Jedi had been passing through or trying to go to ground on the planet of Dagobah about thirty or thirty five years ago, is the rumor - I know there's a cave really entangled with the Dark Side, there, and one of the Jedi Masters hid out near it during the Imperial era. I mostly want to investigate the cave and the area around it."



"I'm not flying in your X-wing."


He snorts. "It's pretty small for two, anyways. Still, I should be able to get us a different ship."


"Very well. When did you intend to leave?"


"I'm not on a tight schedule, but I'd like to leave sooner rather than later - within the next day, maybe, if that's convenient."


"I can be ready in six hours."


"I can get a ship by then."


"Shall I meet you in the hangar?"


"Works for me. See you in six hours."


And six hours later, Occlus is in the hangar, a small supply bag over one shoulder.


Luke's there as well, ship big enough for two people to actually have non-negligible room secured, R2-D2 prepped to accompany him.


Then off they go. To this... Dagobah.


It's a swampy planet, no sapient life, writhing with the Living Force.

Luke guides them down to a patch of solid land just barely big enough for the ship. It's gloomy even during the day, and Luke has to take a couple seconds to orient himself.

They seem to be very close nearby the cave Luke described earlier; Yoda - the Jedi Master - had his hut just past that, close enough to mask his own Light presence.


What a lovely world.

It's doubtful there will be much of anything left to find. Swamps are not ideal for preservation.

Though this planet is otherwise... interesting. She can feel the residue of both the Master and the Dark Jedi.


He's able to pretty quickly confirm any actual structure's been eaten by vines. This is... More disappointing than it should be.

Still, he has - a feeling.

He thinks the cave's dry enough - elevated enough - to have preserved something.

It also reeks of the Dark Side. And the last time he went in caused some really weird visions.


Such distortions are not uncommon in places strong with the dark side. The Sith harnessed such a thing on Korriban to test the acolytes, amplifying fear and doubt and blocking off the sense of others and the outside world.


Yoda used it to test him, too.


It's an easy shortcut to artificially increase stress and see how the candidate reacts under pressure, while still maintaining some form of control over the environment.


He nods, thoughtful.


"I can dampen the effect, if you would like."


"...Yeah. That'd probably make the place easier to explore..."


"It does, speaking from experience."

Occlus holds out her hand in the direction of the cave and her eyes flash purple for a moment. The noxious sense emanating from the cave diminishes.


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