Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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Mortal accepts, thanking the person, and pulls up a chair, putting the food on the desk.

Yellow investigates the food and picks some up and holds it out to Mortal.

There's a knock on the door.

He takes Yellow's food then feeds Yellow it before opening the door.


It's Promise, in her coat, looking freshly showered and quite alert. "Hello. Oh, there's food."

It... is Promise. He nods and gestures her in.

He hadn't noticed she was hot. And of course that matters not at all, she's still a fairy and potentially made of evil, but. She's hot.

(And he knows a bit more about yesterday's feeling. He's not entirely sure he likes it.)
When he's closed the door she shrugs off the coat and lets hawthorn-leaf wings unroll through the gap in her backless dress of leaves. She looks like she belongs on a kitschy wall calendar.

"So," she says, "now that I can run on something other than stress, do you want my help or do you want me to command you to give me a head start and then you can go back to doing whatever you were going to do sans me or Yellow?"

"I want all the help I can get," he says, offering her some food.


She bites a cherry tomato out of his hand neatly; no lip-to-finger contact. Chews. Does not seem impressed with the tomato's quality. Finds a hotel notepad and a pen on the nightstand, flutters over to it, picks them up. "So you have - walkie-talkies, needle gloves. Do you have or would you need to obtain microphones, earbuds, and cameras? What am I forgetting?"


"I have none of those in appropriately small, wireless, and discreet versions, I'd need to buy them. Darts, other ways of injecting fairies with fruit juice? Do sprays or gases work? Custom-design bullets with embedded food, or made of food, though that'd be lower distance. Er, bullets are these," he says, reaching inside his backpack for a handgun and removing its cartridge. "D'you know how guns work?"


"Inhalations mostly don't work. You would need to worry around a pollencloud; I'm not aware of any gases mortals produce that are sufficient. I do not know how guns work."


"They're like crossbows, only a hundred, maybe a thousand times faster, and they shoot these little metal things. Pretty guaranteed to disable a fairy for a while, I'm certain, depending on where it lands, and with the right design of gun and bullet it could inject them with food by splintering on contact. Bit flashy, though, I'm not sure sorcery could make them not hurt and the fairy'd notice the sheer momentum."


"Doesn't seem to offer much advantage over an invisible dart, does it?"


"Range and speed. It's a possible way to pick up a Thorn vassal, shoot them from enough of a distance that they can't notice it or react, then order them. Although I'm not sure how to order them, could sorcery make a speaker harder to destroy?"


"Probably, but I'm only a good sorcerer for my age, not particularly in general."


"And I'm nineteen. Still, if not for vassalisation, it's a pretty sure-fire way to disable a fairy for a few days, if shot through the head, probably. Grenades are a possibility, too, they're generally-short-range explosives, can provoke quite a lot of area of effect damage and also possibly vassalise multiple people at a time."


"Earlier it sounded like you were planning on infiltration, not a shooting war."


"I am, but I'm listing everything we have that might be relevant. The way this might be relevant would be if we already had enough moles that we only needed Thorn himself, that's a way to get him."


"Of the three of us the only one who can injure Thorn is Yellow, maybe."


"Yeah, I know." Pause. "How many levels of remove would it take to count as injuring Thorn, though? Would we be unable to leave or order someone to leave a hidden time bomb, or remote-activated bomb? Could one of those work if Yellow was the one activating it? Or some random mortal we asked?"


"As long as there's someone who isn't Thorn's vassal, or the vassal of anyone else in the line of fire, taking the last active step, it will work."


"Then it's a possibility."


"Will random mortals just activate bombs on your say-so?"


"Probably not, but if I hire someone to press a button somewhere without telling them what it does, maybe. And for more money I could do it even telling them what it does. And fifteen years with access to even very basic sorcery is enough to get a fair amount of money."


"I suppose you'd know what mortals would do." Write write.


"When it comes to darts, I think humans have made blowers that are much faster and more precise than fairies have. And it's possible to order some custom ones, though that might take time. Can sorcery make them not hurt? And more specifically, can you?"

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