Mortal and Promise in fairyland
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Promise and Yellow do not attempt to interact with the receptionist.

He will likewise not attempt to interact with them.

Mortal leads them to the lift and presses the button to call it, and the doors open immediately. She steps into it.
Fairies follow her, although they do not seem to know what the point of the elevator is.

Promise falls over when the elevator rises.
"Er, sorry. This is a metal box held by metal wires that moves people to other floors of buildings, it's one of the ways mortals have found to do that." She doesn't offer a hand in help, due to the do-not-touch order.

The lift opens to the third floor, and Mortal steps out.
Promise is on her feet again by floor three.

Fairies follow her to the rooms.

They are next to each other, and are equipped with two beds, two bedside tables, a desk, a closet, a TV, and a medium-sized bathroom each. "Do you know how to operate the bathroom?"


Promise looks at it. "No," she concludes. "Also, do you have a strong preference about whether I put Yellow with you or me?"


She looks at him. "I feel very terrible about him being—like that—but you have twenty years' experience with him, you probably don't want him around and he probably deserves it." Assuming she's acting in good faith. "You can leave him with me. Anyway, that is a shower and that is a bath, you turn these things to produce water and you plug this hole to fill the bath with water, you can use that to wash yourself. This is shampoo, you can use it on your hair to clean it, and this is regular soap which you use elsewhere. That's a sink, you turn that thing to produce more water to wash your hands, that's a toilet, you probably won't need that."


"Thank you. Yellow gave me your name of his own will, if that makes you feel any better."


"It... makes me feel something. I don't know if the word I'd use is 'better.'"

"Well, less upset about how I'm handling him, anyway." Yawn. Promise gestures vaguely at Yellow and he shrugs off his coat and crashes on the nearest bed, asleep almost instantly. "You may wake me if something urgent comes up."

And she goes to bed next door.
"By the way, use the thing below the door handle to lock it, makes it harder to open without breaking it down from the outside."

And she locks her own door and, likewise, crashes on the other bed. It takes a while for her to actually fall asleep, but then she's out, hoping nothing urgent will come up.

She will probably be up before Promise is.

He is.

He ignores Yellow and goes to the bathroom to take a shower and pick a change of clothes from his backpack and feel in general not as terrible as the previous day.

As long as he doesn't think much about it.

Then he returns to the room. Is Yellow up?

Yellow's awake and sitting up and reading the room service menu quizzically.


...he's not sure what he's supposed to do with the sadist in his room. But he won't go to Promise's room because she might be asleep and there aren't any emergencies around. Also he doesn't want to see her.


"It would be safe for us to eat this mortal food if you fed it to us," Yellow mentions.

Food? Oh, right, food. He had forgotten about food. ...maybe he's not feeling as okay as he'd thought.

"Do you want anything in particular from that menu?"

"I don't recognize any of the pictures. The plants are probably fine to eat."


"Everything there's, er, 'fine to eat.' I'm pretty sure."


"For mortals. I don't even know what some of these things could possibly be but the fruit looks like fruit."

"Everything there is made from plants, animals, animal products, or a combination. I'll get stuff without animal things."

He walks over to Yellow and offers a hand for the menu.

Yellow hands it over. Seems like his general not-very-interesting behavior has more to do with him not being very interesting than with him being under snug orders.


Mortal orders fruits and a salad and a fruit salad on the phone.

Yellow hides behind the bed when room service comes along. Room service provides plant foods.

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